Chapter 2

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The next morning Simmons woke up to Fitz hugging her back. She picked his arm up off her and went to go get them some tea. She got in the kitchen and began making the tea. Daisy walked in with a coffee. "Good morning."

"It is a great morning." She said, smiling.

"Your happy today."

"Why would I not be?"

"No reason. Have you seen Fitz?" She thought to herself He's just asleep in my bed.

"If he's not in his room he must be in the lab. I can go get him for you?"

"No it's okay." Daisy left with a full cup of coffee now.

She came back to the room with the tea. Setting his on the night stand. She sat up against the headboard. "Fitz wake up."

"I'm up." With a grunt.

"I got us tea."

"Thank you." She handed him the tea. They laid there in bed and talked.


They got to the lab setting up an experiment on a new gun for a case. "Fitz I need your help."

"What is it?"

"Can you find the blueprint for the new gun?"

"Sure it label." He looked through the files. He saw the picture of Will.

"Fitz I love you. Not him."

"I know I just-"

"Stop it." She put a hand on his shoulder. Grabbing her hand he looked for the files. "Found it."

"Thank you." The lab door opened.

"Fitzsimmons we need you out on the fielded."

"Okay what's need of us?"

"Your going under cover."

"May we are not trained for this type of mission." Fitz stated nervously.

"Yes you are. I will have the case sent to you soon."


"You're going to be fine."

"Okay. Can you tell us what we are posing as?" Asked Fitz.

"A married couple. That wouldn't be to hard. But you have to do some stuff that may make you uncomfortable."

"Like what?" Simmons asked looking at Fitz.

"You're posing as a married couple. You have to hand hold, kiss, tango like you want one another, and stuff like that." Simmons though in her head This is going to be easy. But Fitz on the other hand was thinking Does May know about us? "Thank you May."

"Good luck. This is going to be a long mission."

"Like how long?"

"I don't know." May left them to think.

Fitz sat in his chair. "We can do this right?"

"Yes of course. All we need to learn is how to tango."

"You can't dance." He said laughing.

"You can't either." She kissed his cheek.

The file came in a few hours later. Opening the file:

Names: Jessica and Daniel Smith

Jobs: Doctor's

Age: 28

Status: Married

Your job will be to find and befriend John and Mary Weston. Your mission is to get Intel on the plans they have and report back to us. Your mission will start In two days.

Fitz put the tablet down on the table. "Well looks like we are going undercover." Simmons smiled at him.

"Yes we are Mr. Smith." He grinned at her.

"That makes you Mrs. Smith." She kissed his cheek. As he yawned.

"Bedtime." She said patting his leg.

"Can I sleep in your room?"

"That was the plan." They have were walking down the hall to her room when Daisy stopes them.

"You guys have been acting strange." Jemma let go of Fitz hand.

"How so?" She asked.

"I don't know yet."

"Well I'm going to bed. Night Fitz. Night Daisy." As Simmons walked into her room.


A few minutes later she changed her clothes as she got out her phone and texted Fitz.

Jemma: You can come back now.

Leo: Is Daisy gone?

Jemma: I think so.

Leo: Okay i will be right over.

There was a knock her door. "Fitz." She looked up and saw Daisy.

"I know there was something between you guys."

"It's Friday we watch Doctor Who every Friday."

"Sure so what's with this text message?" Holding up the image of Jemma's text to Fitz's.

"Did you hack my phone?!"

"No..." Fitz came down the hallway.

"What's going on?"

"Fitz tell daisy there is nothing between us." She giving him a look of trust me.

"There is nothing between us. We are just best friends." Daisy shook her head.

"Okay if you say so." She left as Simmons pulled Fitz into her room.

"She knows?"

"No not really." Simmons got into the bed. He kissed her goodnight and pulled her into his arms. 

I give full credit to JessLovesPTX for the names.

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