Chapter 12

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Daisy awoke a few houses after Fitz and Simmons fell asleep. Fitz phone and watch began buzzing. The checked it and saw the message alerting them that Daisy is awake. "Jemma wake up. Daisy is awake." She just hummed to him talking. "Jem come on."

"Okay fine." They got dressed. Walked to the med bay where Daisy was. They entered the room. "Wow Fitz you have total bedhead."

"You just awoke from almost being killed and your mess with me."

"Simmons you boyfriend is being mean." They all laughed at how she was almost dead less than a day ago and now she is fine. She looked to the corner of the room and saw Coulson sound asleep. "Has he been here all night?"

"Never left. He carried you to us. He was so worried we may of have losted you." Simmons looked over to Coulson.

"I'm alive. You look worried?"

"I'm fine. I was worried early but now I'm okay. Fitz's calmed me down." Simmons looked at Fitz who was asleep against the wall.

"He loves you very much." Daisy smiled at them.

"I know. You should relax. I'm going to get Fitz back to bed."

"Okay. Don't have to much fun." Daisy just smirked at her.

"Don't worry we won't." Simmons walked over to Fitz and led him to their room. Fitz got back into bed falling asleep. "Fitz?" He hummed in response. "Thank you. I was very-"

"I'm here for you. No need to thank me." He put an arm over her hip and fell asleep. Simmons awoke from a nightmare.

She sat up upon the bed and held the blanket close to her. Fitz awoke from her movement. "Jemma is everything okay?" He asked worried.

"Just a nightmare. Get them every time I fall asleep."

"Jemma why did you not tell me? I could help in a way." He put a hand on her back and rubbed small circles.

"Fitz the nightmares about you..." She said with tears in her eyes.

"What is happening in the nightmare...?"

"You never came back from the planet and I'm... alone" She lend against his chest as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm here." He grabbed her hand gently and placed it on his heart. "Feel this. It's all for you. I'm never going anywhere. As long as you are alive I will be too."


"Don't say anything. Just lay back down hold my hand and fall asleep." She did as he said. Laying against the now cold pillows as their hands rested in the middle of them. He kissed her lips as she fell asleep.

Next morning

Simmons awoke to a empty bed. Looking around she found a note on the nightstand.

Good Morning I will be in the lab when you read this. I did not want to wake you. I made you tea with honey. Come down to the lab when ever. -Leo Fitz

She got dressed and went down to the lab. Fitz was sitting in his chair looking at the ceiling. She went up behind him and lend down to kiss him. "Morning. How did you sleep?"

"After our talk last night i slept good. You?"

"Great." Fitz picked up a file from the workbench and handed it to her. "Coulson dropped it off earlier. I took a look at it and it's a document with the rules."

"Rules? We know the rules."

"Did you know two agents can't date?"

"What!? No that's not right."

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