Chapter 7

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Simmons has not been feeling up to do anything the past two days. She was in the bed wake when Fitz came back in for a second time. He stopped and looked at her befor turned to leave, she whispered one word. "Stay."

He nodded and climbed into the bed beside her, and she instantly curled up next to him.  Murmuring reassurances to her. In the months that had followed the events of Maveth, Jemma had been consumed by guilt; for Will's death, for Lash, and all the Inhuman deaths that were happening as a result. And most of all, she felt guilt at the pain that she had caused Fitz. "I'm sorry," Jemma whispered, snapping him out of this thought once again.

"For what?" he asked, brushing a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. It was then he noticed just how full of sadness her eyes were, so unlike what he had fallen in love with all those years ago. Eyes that were so full of curiosity, trying to take in and understand the world around them. But the change hadn't made him love her any less, hadn't made any difference. Because they had both changed, they were both different. They were no longer the people they once were, but they weren't broken. They were never broken. Just different.

"Everything," was the reply that came, a voice quivering.

"Jem, no," he whispered, hoping that this would reassure her but tears had started to snake their way down her face.

"You did nothing." He said looking in her eyes.

"The Inhumans, Will, Trip," she began, before taken a shaky breath and then, "You."

Fitz would have liked to say that this took him by surprise, but it didn't. If anything, he was expecting it. "Talk to me Jemma," he offered, trying a different approach.

"Death," she said, sitting up, so that she was able to look him in the eyes.

"Everyone around me ends up dead. Or injured. The Inhumans! How many are dead because of me now?" Her voice was getting more hysterical and Fitz knew that he had to do something. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a closer embrace. She didn't object, even though her entire her body was screaming at her not to return the embrace. Her arms draped around his shoulders.

Fitz shook his head, rubbing his hand up and down her back, and she allowed that to cement her, bring her back to this world. "Will, Trip. They did everything for me. They saved me and I killed them."

"No," his voice was soft, but stern, trying to enforce this in her mind. He knew that it wouldn't work immediately, but given time, maybe just maybe, she would understand.

"Trip would make that choice again and again. It wasn't your fault that he died. Will wanted the best for you." She had no answer to this.

"I left," she began, tried to settle her breathing and then tried again. "I left for HYDRA because I was making you worse."

For whatever reason, Fitz had not been expecting this to be the reason why she left all of those months ago.

"No, no, you weren't. You never made me worse." There was movement at his shoulder, her head shaking.

"No matter what I did, I made you worse. You weren't recovering. I had to, I had to, I had to," she muttered again and again before the sobs took over and all he could do was murmur reassurances into her hair.

After a time period, of how long Fitz didn't know, Jemma pulled away, and looked at him. "I love you," she whispered and he nodded, looking down at her. He didn't have a chance to say it back  as her hand was now buried in his curls and her lips were dancing tenderly across his, the faint taste of tea still present on his lips.

"I love you, too." he whispered back.

They pulled apart "Jemma. Don't blame yourself please."

"I know Fitz. But it's the only way I feel okay is blaming myself."

"But I'm not okay with you blaming yourself."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We can start over again."

"I can never-"

"You can. We start from this day forward. Forget about everything else. Just you, me, and this mission. Which involves us." She leaned back against him. "Us." She turned to kiss him on the lips.

He finally was able to get her out of the bed. So they went out for lunch. They got to the place and took a seat. The waiter came over and gave them a menu. "What number date is this?" He asked her looking over his menu at her.

"This would be our sixth date." The waiter came back to get their orders.

"Fitz what do you think of this mission?"

"Well honestly John and Mary seem very nice. I don't see anything strange or dangers from them."

"I don't either. Mary is really nice. What about John?"

"John is kind of an ass but I think that's just how he is."

"Something just seems off about this mission." Simmons said as the food came to the table.

"Should we call May and Daisy? Or should we just go along with it?"

"I feel like May sent us on this mission to get us out of the base." Simmon was real thinking of a reason.

"It's possible."

"I think we should act like we don't question the mission."

"You just want to play house." Fitz picked up her hand and held it.

"What? Me play house? No."

"Confess you are loving this whole we fake married, the nice house, get to call me your husband out in public."

"Fine. I love it. All of it." She said with a smile.

"Don't worry I love it just as much as you do." He said returning the smile at her

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