Chapter 4

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There was a knock at the door. Fitz got up and opened the door. Their was a happy looking couple there. "Hello. How may I help you?"

"We saw a moving truck a few days ago. Long story short we are your neighbors."

"Oh." Simmons came to the door to see who was there. "Fi-I mean Daniel who's here."

"I'm Luke and this is Jenna Dove."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica and my husband is Daniel Smith."

"Well nice to meet you both. We better get going." The Dove's left as Fitz closed the door he began laughing.

"What so funny?"

"It's almost a double life."

"Behind the doors with just me you are Fitz and past those doors you are Daniel Smith."

"As for you; you will always be my Jemma Simmons." She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips then realized where they were.

"Fitz we just kissed."

"Yes we did."

"Look where we are."

"We should tell them. I can't just not kiss you or not sleep with you. We have been in this house for almost two weeks."

"Okay let's go to the lab. I will call Daisy." Fitz grabbed her hand and led her down to the lab in the basement.

They got on the intercom and called Daisy. "Daisy we have something very important to tell you and May."

"We know."

"You guys know?" Simmons said.

"Know what?" Fitz tried to act like he did not know.

"That you guys are a couple. Have been for a while."

"How did you find out?" Fitz asked.

"For one you kissed like five minutes ago. Two. Fitz you stare at Simmons ass every minute you get. Three. Simmons you're not very sly getting into Fitz's bed at night or slipping out of it in the morning." They just stood there in complete shock.

"Guys I'm happy for you. I would hug you if I were there."

"That's good."

"Guys May knows. She is also happy for you guys."

"That is also good news. Tell May Hello for us. Also we will talk to you later."

"Wait Skye. Is there surveillance in the Lab?"

"No. Why? Should I put some in."

"No need. She was just wondering because if there is too much signal it can interfere with experiments and tech I build." Fitz tried to cover it looking at Simmons.

"Okay. I will let you guys get back to whatever you were doing before."

"Thank you." Simmons said taking Fitz's hand.

"Your welcome guys." She ending the call.

Fitz pulled Simmons in for a kiss just a simple kiss. "I need food." Fitz said after kissing her.

"Great thing to say after you just kissed me. Come on let's go make something." Fitz went upstairs and made a sandwich. She opened the fridge and saw deli meat, beer, and that's all.

"Fitz we need to go shopping."

"For what?" "Food. The stuff we need to live."

"Oh yes. Do you want me to go with you?" Fitz asked.

"It will be great for our cover." Fitz finished his sandwich and got his coat.

They got to the store. Of course Fitz was like a little kid.

"So what do we need." He asked.

"Well I made a list."

"Of course you made a list. Can I see the list?" She handed him the list.

"What no ice cream, cookies, or pretzels."

"We can get those items." She laughed at his childish side.

They got home and put all the groceries away and went to go check the mail. There was a letter that read:

Dear Smith's

     You have been formally invited to the Weston's ball. This Friday R.S.V.P to this event by Thursday. The dress is black bow tie for the men and for the women a elegant ball gown. More information please call John Weston.

Simmons went over to Fitz and said "I think we just found The Weston's."

"Like the Weston's we have been looking for?"


"That means we are one step closer." Fitz hugged her and kissed her cheek. Simmons went down to the lab and called Daisy.

"We got an invite to the Weston's get together."

"I know I sent it. Now when you go you show them the invite."

"Thank you."


"I should get back to Fitz. Then go to bed. It's late."

"Night." She end the call and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Fitz was changing into something comfy when she came upstairs. "Getting ready for bed?"

"Yeah. It's been a long day." Fitz pulling back the covers.

"Well no need to go in my room and coming back in here in a few hours."

"No. You can just get in with me right now." She got in on the left side as Fitz got in on the right.

"It's almost strange."

"How?" Fitz asked turning to look at her.

"There is nothing holding me back from doing this." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Laying down on the pillow as Fitz was already out like a light.   

The Day Everything Changed On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara