Chapter 19

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Fitzsimmons got back from vacations a few days later they it back to base. May landed the plane and helped them unload everything. "Where is Daisy?"

"She is in her room. How do you do you feel, Jemma?"

"Not too well my morning sickness got really bad yesterday and the day before."

"If you want we can take you to see a OBGYN?" May ask. "Sure."

"How about you guys go get some rest." She told them before they walked to their room. "Jemma your morning sickness was really bad yesterday. Are you sure it's only that?"

"I don't know but can we go to bed I don't feel so well." Fitz wrapped his arm around her waist and had her lean on him for support. They got to their room and he helped her to the bed. "Jemma did you have morning sickness while on vacation?"

"Yeah. But I didn't tell you." she rolled over to her back. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to runen the vacation with me being sick."

"No don't be. You're going to go to the appointment tomorrow and we get to see our baby." He put his hand on her somewhat large bump for only being three and a half months pregnant. "What is Fitz?"

"How can you tell I was thinking about something?" Fitz said planting feather like kisses on her hip bone. "I have known you for many years F-Fitz." She moaned a little bit as he bit down very gently but just enough. She pushed him off of her and rolled over to her side. "I can't Fitz."

"Than don't let me show you." He pulled her back to him so she was on her back as he went back to work on her.

The next morning they drove to the OBGYN appointment. They waited only a few moment before the doctor called them back. "May can you come back with us?"

"Sure." She smiled and followed them back. The doctor entered a few minutes later. "Mr and Mrs. Fitz. I'm Dr. Smith. What are we doing for you today?"

"Well I have been having really bad morning sickness lately and We just want to see how our baby is doing."

"Okay. How far along are you?"

"Three and a half."

"Perfect. Now can you lay back a lift your shirt up above your belly." She did as he said. The doctor took his spot by the machin. "This is going to be cold." He put the gel on her belly. Jemma looked up at Fitz and grabbed his hand. Then the most amazing sound began to fill the room. "Is that my baby's heartbeat? But wait that's too fast."

"No it's fast because you have twins." Jemma was glued the the screen as Fitz was still trying to process it. "Fitz were having twins." Jemma looked up at the love of her life and smiled. "Do you want to know the sex of them?"

"Yes please." He moved the wand around a little bit move. "You are having a girl and a boy." Jemma just smiled with over joy of her babies. "A boy?" Fitz asked. "And a girl." Jemma said looking at the screen. The doctor handed her a paper towel to clean the gel off. Fitz looked to May "We are having twins."

"I know. Congratulations." She patted his shoulder. "Can we have pictures of the twins?" Jemma asked the doctor. "Yeah before you leave go to the front desk and ask for them."

"Thank you." Fitz helped Jemma up then got the picted of their babies before leaving. The whole car ride back to base Fitz keep his hand on her belly. "Fitz I don't want to work for Radcliff. I want to stay here with our family."

"Okay. We will."

"We can still get the house in-" He cut her off with a kiss. May looked in the rear view mirror and coughed. "Sorry May." Jemma said nudging Fitz a little. "It's like getting caught by your mum." Fitz whispered in Jemma's ear. "When were you ever caught by your mum. I was your first for a lot of stuff." She looked at him as she bit her lip. "You weren't my first kiss."

"I was your first..." She stopped before realizing they are still in the car with May. She placed her hand over his that was resting on her belly. "Our babies."

"We need to think of names." Fitz said.

"How about this you chose the boy's name and I chose the girl's name."

"You already have names in mind don't you."

"I do. But i want you to chose the boys."

"Let me guess. Margaret Malinda Simmons and we will call her Peggy." May smiled over the thought of them naming their daughter after her. "Close but there is one part that is wrong."

"What part?" He looked confused.

"The last name. It will be Margaret Malinda Fitz-Simmons." She smiled over the name of her daughter. "We just need to name our son now."

"I have a name but you to chose it."

"Tell me."

"No." She said pressing her lips together.

"Jemma Simmons I have ways to make you talk."

"It's not going to work Leo." The car came to a stop. "We're home guys." They got out of the car and went straight to the lab. "Fitz what are we doing?" He handed her notebook and a pen. "Write our son's name in code and see if i can solve it."


"Because I'm bored."

"There are many other things we can do if you are bored." She said with frustration in her voice. "I know but i want a puzzle."

"Fine but then can we go have sex."

"Of course." She began to write the coded name. "Here." He looked at it. It was all numbers with a few letters. "You wanted a puzzle I gave you a puzzle." The paper read: 42 65 6e 6a 61 6d 69 6e 20 50 68 69 6c 69 70 20 46 69 74 7a 73 69 6d 6d 6f 6e 73. He looked at he and fired out what type of code. "Hexadecimal code. Really Jemma?"

"You fell asleep during that lesson."

He began to write something down. "Benjamin Philip Fitzsimmons. Im correct?"

"Yeah. Do you like the name?"

"No. I love it!"

"Did we just name our babies?"

"We did.Now do I get my reward?"

"Yeah let's go make love." She grabbed his hand and pulled him down to their room.    

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