Chapter 5

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Simmons was in the lab with Fitz. "Fitz we need a back story."

"Like what."

"Okay let's say people ask us how long have we been married. We could say 2 years married-"

"8 years a couple-"

"13 years of knowing each other." She said looking at him.

"Next thing that could be asked is kids."

"Don't have any now. We want two."

"Two. Perfect number. One girl and one boy-"

"Wants the first born to be a boy." She finished his sentences.

"We met in-"

"School. We were 16-"

"And shy." He said, taking a step closer to her.

"Fitz I love you."

"I love you too. But what does that have to do with undercover back story?" He asked her, confused.

"Everything we are saying is what we personally want." She explained.

"You want two kids?"

"Yes. We were 16 and shy."

"We did meet in school."

"Yes we did." They stared at each other for a few moments.

Back on base

Daisy was in the lab looking at the feed of Fitzsimmons. "They have been in the lab a long time." She went on the intercom.

"Fitzsimmons if you are alive turn on the broadcast."

The broadcast open up on the big screen. "Hey Daisy."

"Hey guys. Just checking up on you guys."

"Oh we are fine."

"Good. I will let you get back to work." She ended the call.

Later that night

They got to the ball with Fitz dressed in a black suit with a black bow tie, while Simmons was dressed in a elegant dress picked out by Daisy. They got to the mansion. She fixed his bow tie before going up to the wooden door. "Hello we are the Smith's. Here is our invite." He handed the butler the invite.

They walked in and everyone was standing around in suits and dresses with wine and champagne. A older lady approached them. "Hello I'm Nancy Geller."

"Jessica my wife and I'm Daniel Smith."

"How long have you been married?"

"Only 2 years but know her what feels like all my life." He looked at Simmons.

"Very cute couple. What do you do for a living?"

"We are both Doctors."

"Well I hope I will see you both again one day."

"You too. Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you know where I can find Mr. And Mrs. Weston?"

"They are over by the piano."

"Thank you. Love meeting you."

Simmons and Fitz walked over to the piano. "Hello are you John and Mary Weston?" Simmons asked politely.

"Yes we are. Who may you be?"

"I'm Jessica and this my husband Daniel Smith. We just wanted to thank you for the invite."

"Oh you're very welcome. So you said this is your husband?"

"Yes of two years. How long have you and your husband been married?"

"Almost 5 years."

"Well I hope I get to talk to you again on day."

"Maybe you can. I do yoga every Tuesday and I always need people to join me."

"Are you sure?" Simmons asked not knowing what to expect.

"Of course. I'm sure. Class starts at 8. I will send you the address." They switched numbers as Fitz and Mary's husband went off somewhere.

Fitz and John went out to the balcony were a bunch of other people were at. "So Daniel what do you do for a living?"

"Me and the wife are doctors. What about you?"

"I own a few businesses."

"That's nice. It seems like our wife's hit it off pretty well."

"Yes. Maybe we can go golfing or something like that." John pated Fitz on the back.

"I would like that. Here is my number." Fitz handing him a card. "Daniel L. Smith. Pleasure meeting you."

"You too. I should get back to my wife now."

"Me too. Well I will keep in touch with you." They shook hands and went there own ways.

Fitz found Simmons by the dining hall. He came to her. "I'm going golfing with him. Oh and I have his number."

"I got her number and we are doing yoga Tuesday."

"I'm so happy." He kissed her on the lips.

"Let's go meet some more people." They meet a few people before leaving to go back home.

Get home Fitz was so tired he went straight upstairs and fell into bed. "Someone's sleepy." He mumbled a few words in the pillow.

"Come one let's get out of these cleans get into bed." She changed as Fitz stayed laying across the whole bed.

"Fitz get up and change so we can both go to bed."

"No I don't what to move."

"Fitz come one." She said pulling at the blanket.

"I'm not moving."

"Okay fine then. Fitz I'm not wearing any clothes." He shot up out of bed and turned to face her.

"You lied."

"Now I know what will get you out of bed."

"No because next time I will not fall for it."

"Yes you will." She got into the bed and waited for Fitz to change and get in next to her. He kissed her goodnight before falling asleep.

Back on base

Daisy walked into the lab where May was. "May what type of mission is Fitzsimmons on?"

"Daisy there is no mission. I sent them undercover to get them to relax. The Westons are nice people not any one we are looking into."

"So you sent them on a get away?"

"In a way. Also can you disconnect the camera feed now. You can keep one in the living room just to keep tabs but no need for any more."

"Sure. Wait should we tell them?"

"No." May left after that.  

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