Chapter 8

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Simmons was back at yoga with Mary that tuesday. Fitz went to golf with John. Which he had no idea what he was doing. They met up for lunch after their get togethers.

They went out to a little place for food. They ordered and talked. Even though she just did yoga she was still tense. Maybe she just needed to relax. "Jemma is everything okay?"

"Just tense. Maybe I will watch some tv or a movie when we get home."

"Okay. I can join you."


They got home and changed into some comfy clothes and Fitz picked out two movies for Simmons to chose from. The put the movie in and began watching. She had her head against his shoulder and his arm was around her waist. She looked up at him. He was watching the movie spotting every detail. She could not help herself. She leaned up and kissed his lips. Cupping his face she deepened the kiss. He put his hands on her hips and moved her to his lap. She began to straddle his hips as his hands run up and down her sides and back.

Her hand came up to play with his curls. He deepened the kiss and in return got a moan from her. He gently pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. She wasn't even sure how the heated kissing had happened. One second, they were watching a movie, and the next she'd captured his lips with her own. She'd found herself pressed up against him and enjoying it more than ever, and eventually she'd realized that his hands were wandering into less PG territory.

And yet every time his hands made a pass down her back that just barely skimmed her ass, he'd move them away again, and she realized that if she wanted this to progress any further then she'd have to make the next move. He pulled back from her mouth gulping in air, it took him a couple of seconds to be able to speak.

They were so full of love and admiration for her that she felt like her heart might burst into pieces if she kept looking at him. Jemma repositioned herself onto his lap and kissed him again. This time his hands stayed at her waist. "Do you want to? I mean... are you sure?" He asked, his hands played nervously with the hem of her tank top.

"Yes, Leo. I'm sure about you. I love you." That did it. Fitz didn't hesitate again.

"You're beautiful, Jemma, so beautiful," Fitz whispered in awe.

Jemma leaned forward again to nip at his bottom lip, sliding her tongue heatedly over his and delighting in the hitched groan this coaxed from his throat. As she reached around to slide his hand firmly over her arse. In less than a few moments they were already at third base.

Either way, Leo Fitz wasn't going to be complaining to Jemma Simmons any time soon, and although neither of them had expected their night to end this way it was a safe bet that both of them were completely thrilled with the result.

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