Chapter 17

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I'm very sorry that this took so long to write. I have been very busy with exams and essays. I'm so sorry.

Fitz was sitting at his desk working on a project. When he turned around to face her. "What are you working on?"

"Oh nothing. Just browsing some... thing." She chuckled and clicked a key on her keyboarded and looked away from him as he got up from his desk and went over to her. "You're a terrible liar." He hit one key on her computer as a travel website popped up. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise." She looked at the computer screen. "Booking a trip."

"For two." She said with a smile on her face. "It's a romantic gesture," He played with the back of her chair. "How very...not you. To be romantic." She looked up at him. "Well-I-That's ridiculous." She stuttered out as she played with her hair. "We both know I'm the romantic one." He said as he thought about who kissed who first.

"But it might not be best to be skipping of to the..." She clicked the mouse as a beach popped up. "Seychelles. Those look nice." He said talking about the pictures. "Hive is dead. Shield is going to recover and I was thinking we... we had enough tragedy. A little fun won't kill us." She looked up at him and then thought about what he said earlier. "You think I'm not the romantic one?" Fitz just looked at her and didn't say anything. "I'm going to do something with you on the island that will take your breath away." She looked up at him with pure mischievous and love in her eyes. "What is- Hey- Are you- Are you- What?" He stuttered out as his mind was remembering the feel of her body on his. "Snorkeling!" She said with a smile on her face as for him he was still trying to get his mind out of the gutter. Fitz looked at her with a face of 'you gotta be kidding me'.

"Fitz we can still do what i know you were thinking of."

"Oh thank you." He said with a sigh. "Did you honestly think if we went on vacation we would not-"

"No. I know you can't keep your hands off me." He said as proudly as he could. "That is not true."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed of, Jemma."

"I know. I'm not." She kissed his cheek.

They went back to what they were doing as Coulson entered the room and walked over to Fitz. "Fitz I need to talk to you. Alone."

"Oh... Okay." He looked at Jemma smiled. Him and Coulson stepped out in the hallway. "Do you remember Dr. Radcliffe?"

"Yes. We worked with him a few times. Why you ask?"

"He wants a DNA test." Fitz looked at him. "He wants a DNA test? Why?"

"He thinks you are his son." Fitz went back into the lab. "Jemma take my blood." She looked at him. "Why?"

"Dr. Radcliffe thinks I'm his son." He rolled up his sleeve and sat down in his chair. "Okay. Hold still." She got out a butterfly needle and a microtainers. She put a elastic band around his upper arm. She hooked up the needle to his arm as the blood began to fill the tub.

He went back out to Coulson and handed him a tub with the blood. "Here. He is going to want to test it himself and then come here with results."

"Fitz if you or Jemma needs anything just let me know."

"Well sir Jemma wants to go on a vacation."

"Okay just tell me the place and for how long."

"Seychelles for a week." Fitz said to him with confidence.

"Any other accommodations?"

"A room with a view."

"Alright." Coulson left Fitz to go back to his work. Fitz went back over to Jemma. "What's wrong?"

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