Yandere Terushima One-Shot

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(This is my first attempt at "sin" so yeah mentioned lemon)

Practice dragged on and on late into the night. It was only extended because of the upcoming tournament. You were afraid that they were all going to overwork themselves, but knowing them, their energy will replenish the next day. Well, all of them except him. He could be the reason that the coach is revving up the training. He's been slacking off to the max ever since you became a replacement manager. Slacking off in class, but not slacking off when it came to you.

"You can go ahead and head home (name)," the coach mumbled scratching the back of his head.

"I gotta stay and help clean up though," you sighed wiping sweat from your forehead.

"The boys can do all the work; you need to go home and finish your studies," he retorted sounding more teacher-like.

"It's the weekend..." trailing off with your words you hauled some equipment away.

The coach sighed pinching his brow between his fingers. Now it seemed like you were the one overworking yourself. He shook his head before walking out of the gym.

The storage closet was a mess of course. Checking on what was inside the equipment box, there was an assortment of what seemed like volleyball patching items. Various pumps and rolls of duct tape were messily stacked inside. The only light in the closet was from the gym, so finding where to put things was going to be difficult.

Almost tripping over some mats and spilling the contents of the box, you made your way to the back of the spacious, yet cluttered closet. It was pitch black with little light illuminating the floor.

"Ugh screw it," you huffed setting the box next to the rolled up volleyball nets.

Before extending your aching spine upwards, you halted your actions. Someone was watching you. The apparent footsteps right behind you made your heart beat faster. You made no resistant action as you were gently pushed back against the furthest wall. The faint light from the gym faded as the door shut with a click.

"You should've listened to the coach and went home," a familiar and somewhat douchy tone grumbled.

The stench of an overwhelming amount of cologne hit you in the face. You instantly recognized the tone of voice and overuse of cologne as the one guy you didn't want to be around now. Yuuji Terushima...

"Can I help you?" you wondered in the most annoyed tone.

"You can help me by listening to what the coach says, babe."

Your face twisted into a knot in disgust at what he called you.

"Why is that?" you scoffed now casually leaning against the wall.

"The others... They could take advantage of you..." his voice lowered.

"Like they would do that at school. Besides, the only one who is perverted enough to "take advantage of me" is YOU Mr. Fuckboy," you spat out harsh words as usual.

"I'm only doing this because I'm in love with you," that's the hundredth time you've heard that from him.

"So in love with me, you nearly got your sorry ass suspended from the volleyball team after-"

Terushima cut you off abruptly.

"I was only doing that because they don't deserve such a perfect woman as you. They're disgusting lowlifes that need to be erased..." he laughed to himself a bit before resting both hands against the wall on either side of you.

"You're wasting my time. You said that I should listen to the coach and go home, so if you would please move the fuck out of my way," your patience was thinning now.

He didn't budge an inch and continued to bore his eyes into you.

"I mean it."

Resisting the urge to kick him in the balls, you swooped right under his arm. Before you could start feeling around for anything you could possibly trip on, his hand latched onto your forearm.

"What the hell-" he roughly slammed you back into the wall.

Before your temper could snap, he pinned your wrists above your head with the same hand. That sudden rage of anger was washed over with confused fear. A single tear streamed from your eye. His face was close to yours now. You didn't say anything as his tongue traced the salty tear up your cheek. The warm silver piercing rolled against your skin.

"Where's (name)-senpai and Terushima-senpai?" a first year wondered right outside the storage closet.

"Guess they both went home, all the equipment was cleaned up. Okay so meet back in the club room and then we can go home!" the coach exclaimed as the muffled voices of the team vanished.

You were all alone with him.

"I was waiting for them to leave. The only one who can hear your cute noises is me," his tongue darted out again to lap at another tear.

Technically your leg could snap up and whack him right in the balls, but it was frozen stiff. What exactly was he planning on doing to you now?

"Now I can finally show my caged feelings to you in private. No other man can please you better than me," he smirked, that douchy tone returning.

Much to your surprise, he was rather gentle. His lips weren't hungrily eating away at yours, yet they did radiate with a somewhat lustful desire. The kiss was so, enjoyable, that you tilted your head to right as he did.

"You admit it don't you. You're madly in love with me. You desperately want me to roughly pin you to a wall and grind on you until you're a begging mess?" his words were dripping with perverted profanities afterwards, but you found yourself enjoying it.

You were enjoying it so much, that a word slipped through your lips. "More..."

"That's it babe," Terushima grinned as his grip on your wrists released.

Both of his hands slipped around your ass and gave a hard squeeze. You groaned around his needy kiss. His tongue trailed into your mouth; the silver ball rolling against your tongue now. Your kissing was so sloppy that drool was leaking from both of your mouths. The hands around your ass lifted you up the wall. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.

"See, only I can do this to you," he cracked another sly grin before grinding his hips right into yours.

Thankfully he muffled the rather loud moan that left your throat. More grinding ensued as his hips were swiveling increasingly rougher against yours.

"Oh my god... Don't stop..." your head lulled back in disbelief on how good it felt.

His hips now angled underneath your hips. He stopped his motions much to your whining.

"Someone's very excited," he noted slicking the tip of his tongue around your neck.

"A-and?" you whispered out weakly.

"I'll show you how excited I am now."

You swallowed thickly as his fingers traced up his thigh ever so slowly to tease the frustrated pleasure inside you.

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