Recollection (Yandere Sugawara One-Shot Epilogue)

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So I couldn't help myself and made an epilogue to the one-shot I wrote for MommaSuga for her bday... So yeah (happy early birthday again)

WARNING: disturbing themes

You couldn't help yourself. You were both overly obsessed with each other. That night, you both moaned out each other's name in perfect harmony only separated by distance. Feeling rather guilty with yourself after washing your hands off, you went straight to bed. Sugawara stayed up the entire night running his fingertips over the words he etched into his wall.


"All yours."

Yes, you were his.

Yes, she was mine.

Clenching the crow feather in your right hand, sleep slowly drifted over your rather exhausted body. It wasn't a sound sleep however.

"(Name), you're so fucking beautiful. I can't hold myself back anymore."

Was there something tugging at your wrists? What seemed like drool was leaking from the corners of your mouth. It was dark, and something was tight against your head.

"M. I. N. E."

"Y. O. U. R. S."

No, something soft was laced around your wrists. Delicate flowers were tied around your wrists in the forms of bracelets. The only reason drool was leaking from your mouth was from the juicy lollipop wrapped around your lips. Whatever as covering your vision was soft and warm. It was, Sugawara's hands. Gradually, they began to slip away. Anticipating something amazing due to their slowness, your heartbeat quickened.

"All mine."

It was a mirror.

It was you in the reflection.

The only split second view you got was horrifying. A rag covered your eyes, something round was in your mouth, and your wrists were behind your back. The mirror shattered into pieces and pooled around the frame. On the other side of the mirror was Sugawara. Or, was it really? All you got an image of was a black-winged devil with the face of Sugawara.


Those words shrieked from his fanged mouth as the devil sprang at you.

Everything went to black.

You didn't know if you screamed, but all you knew is that your throat was burning. Your entire body was covered in a sheen of cold sweat. Trying to calm your erratic breathing, something poked your right hand. The crow feather was in your hand of course. Bringing it up to your rather blurry view, your hand opened to reveal it.

There were two crow feathers. 

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