Yandere Lev One-Shot #2

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(Typed this on my laptop and posting from it again, so sorry for any weird formatting. Wattpad messes up my indents.)

            "Aww you're so adorable!" you happily sighed kneeling down next to a cat that was pawing at a string.

The first notable feature you noticed it had was a pure white coat. It was so shiny, but you couldn't just pet any cat you saw on the streets. Halting its swiping at the random string, the cat glanced up at you. Its eyes were a vibrant green, but you could've sworn you've seen those same set of eyes somewhere else before. You were frozen in the crouching position as the strange cat paced around you. A weird shiver tingled down your spine as it rubbed up against your legs. Gently reaching your hand out, the cat just stared at your open hand. It meowed and dashed off into the alleyway right behind you.

"Well then," standing up and brushing your skirt off from the cat hair, a poster in the nearby store window caught your attention.

Squinting closely at the poster, the "LOST" written in bold widened your eyes. Right there in the faded photo was the same cat you just encountered. Forgetting about getting home early, you sprinted down the same alleyway the cat did. Unfortunately, you forgot to read the smeared ink below the photo. "LOST SANITY."

The alleyways were cold and full of random puddles. Your shoes were soaked beyond belief, but that didn't stop you from finding this lost cat. Hushed rumbling from the city streets seemed to have vanished the deeper you went into this endless maze. Finding yourself lost on a long path, you decided the best course of action was to turn around. The squelching of your shoes was halted by the flash of something white. A glimpse of white fur disappeared behind a corner. Ignoring the chance of a hallucination, you quickly ran around the same corner. Your feet were numb from the cold water, but that didn't stop you.

"Hey! Come back!" you airlessly shouted as the cat rounded another corner.

Finally tiring out, you grumbled and cussed under your breath as you reached a dead end. The cat leaped up a fire escape and began lurking around an abandoned building. It kept its green eyes trained on your exhausted form. Staring back up at the rather annoying feline, you attempted to follow it back up the fire escape. Before you could climb up the cold metal ladder, the cat meowed and vanished into a broken window. A few silent seconds passed as you waited at the bottom of the ladder still catching your breath. Something growled from the broken window and you froze in place.


Whatever it was that growled, it landed on the other side of the corner. Water splashed about as your heartbeat sped up rapidly. Faint tufts of white fur became visible from around the corner. Clenching the ladder even tighter, your throat became dry from your heightened senses. A white-furred lion crept from around the corner licking its lips in anticipation for something. Its intense green eyes were fixated upon your defenseless form. Your alert instincts took a hold of you, so you scrambled up the ladder. The lion roared furiously as it swiped a clawed paw at the bottom of the ladder. Before reaching another set of stairs, the fire escape loosened from the hit. Rusty bolts squeaked and collapsed under the pressure. You tumbled out off of the ladder like a ragdoll. Too dizzy to stand, the lion perched itself on top of you. Its hot breath brought you out of the daze, but you were too frightened to crawl away. Glossy canines revealed as the lion curled its lips and lowly growled once more. It roared once more as it clamped down on your face.

"Ugh," your breathing was labored as you woke up from the nightmare covered in a sheen of nervous sweat.

The tightness around your neck was hindering most of your breathing, so you loosened it a little bit. A dangle of metal caught your rather dazed attention. Focusing your lazy vision upon the small tag, your eyes widened at the shock of what was on it. "(Name), Property of Lev." Letting the tag fall from your fingertips, you were about to tug out your hair at the situation. Something soft was atop your head, but further examination revealed that they were cat ears. Weight shifted on the bed behind you, and your breathing hitched once again. A slender finger slipped under the slack collar and jerked you backwards.

"What did I tell you about loosening your collar kitty?" Lev growled into the shell of your ear.

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