You Always Love This (Yandere Oikawa)

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Apparently I am weak for Yandere Oikawa.

(Mentioned NSFW)

It was summer break at last, and all Oikawa was chirping about is how excited he was to meet Iwaizumi after months of not seeing him. All he wanted to really do was talk about Iwaizumi more than his plans for summer involving the two of you. You couldn't blame him since Iwaizumi was his childhood friend. Oikawa did happen to go out often making sure to have everything prepared for his arrival to your small apartment, but to your surprise, he asked you to not tag along. He kept babbling that you were going to buy unnecessary items for Iwaizumi. That obviously wasn't true, but you decided to have some time off from being around a rather clingy boyfriend. Since he left you alone most of the time, you went out to hang out with friends. Well, they were more like secret friends hidden away from Oikawa.

"So he leaves you alone to go shopping, but is extremely clingy of you?" Akaashi wondered after taking a sip of his coffee.

"I guess that's the case," you shrugged stirring your iced coffee.

"I thought he was clingy with volleyball only," Bokuto grumbled eyeing Akaashi's coffee intensely.

"Kou, you're still not getting any coffee. We both know what happened the last time you had caffeine," setting his drink further away from Bokuto, Akaashi sighed as Bokuto whined like a child.

"What behavior has he been exhibiting ever since you started dating?" Akaashi scooted his chair forward and rested his chin on his hands.

Your legs clenched together at the thought. Both boys noticed your sudden discomfort and shared concerned glances with each other. The faint purple marks on the upper half of your body should've been enough evidence of the clingy personality of Oikawa. Along with the dull purple bruises on your wrists from something being tied around them, there was enough evidence to show that you weren't in a stable relationship.

"Why don't you just break up with him?" Akaashi asked in a hushed tone.

You cracked a smile and giggled under your breath. Your cheeks became flushed at the dirty thoughts in your mind.

"It's just I can't. I love the exhilaration of being shamed. He didn't mold me to do that; it's just I'm such..." you paused covering your red cheeks, "I'm such a pervert," your head hung with guilt.

Bokuto's face lit up as red as an apple as he abruptly scuttled off to the bathroom. Akaashi was at a loss for words as you got up and left without saying goodbye. With a millions regretful thoughts rushing through your mind, you finally made it to your apartment. After setting your purse on the kitchen table, you decided you need a nap to clear your mind. At least the apartment was quiet with Oikawa not being there.

Or so you thought.

Oikawa slammed the door to the bedroom as soon as you walked through. You jumped in fear, but you were shoved right against the wall almost knocking the wind from your lungs. His eyes were glazed over with a combination of anger and lust, and his expression was enough to make your lower half shiver. He was drawn up to full height fencing you in and making you feel worthless. His fingers gently ran through your hair before they dug into your scalp forcing you to look him dead in the eyes.

"Just when I thought you couldn't turn anymore slutty, you decided to pull off this stunt," his tone was deathly serious.

You didn't answer, but were forcing tears from welling up in your eyes.

"What's the matter (name)-chan? Did those two screw you so much that you lost your voice from screaming too much?" the derogatory talk continued.

Still no answer from you, but his fingers left your hair and trailed down your cheekbone. They hooked under your chin as Oikawa forced his lips onto yours. Just like always, it was a mix of mint and vanilla. Your body was frozen as his tongue muffled your weak whimpers. As he pulled away, spit began to leak from both of your mouths. His tongue flicked out to lick the rest from your lips as always.

"Still not going to talk, or am I going to have to bend you over and get answers that way?" Oikawa chuckled evilly before lowering his face to your eye level again, "oh but you love it when I do that. Whining for more as you cling to the sheets crying about how good it feels. You'll forever be like that (name)-chan," he whispered your name in a very sultry, yet frustrated tone.

You couldn't take it anymore. Your head leaned back as you began whimpering like a lost animal as the lower part your body heated up. Fuck, you were so turned on by that, but at the same time, you hated yourself for being turned on by that.

"Oi," a deep voice called out from the bathroom door.

Iwaizumi was leaning against the door frame scowling at the both of you. Oikawa's smirk widened as Iwaizumi began stepping forward loosening his belt buckle. His gaze returned to your frightened one as his fingers looped around his own belt buckle.

"I don't mind if Iwa-chan joins the fun," Oikawa happily exclaimed, "but it's obviously not going to be fun for you."

Your throat dried up as you were dragged to the edge of the mattress.

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