Yandere Oikawa One-Shot #2

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(So because episode 24 made me legit cry, this was written from the angsty feels.)

Mentioned lemon. (And angst)

The hallways had an atmosphere of broken emotions. You couldn't even bare the sight of the entire team with their heads hung low. You retreated into the farthest corners of the facility. Trying to hold back wracking sobs, a hard lump formed in your throat. Burying your hands into your teary face, you curled up into a corner and cried. This was the third years last match and they went down in the worst way possible.

"Why are you crying?" a deep voice softly called out to you.

Not even lifting your face from your hands, you tightened up into a smaller ball. It seemed like whoever this person is, they weren't taking the gesture that you didn't want to talk. They didn't sit down beside you, it felt like they were just staring at you from above. The overwhelming feeling of being cornered heightened your awareness.

"I-I just can't believe it," you stuttered out, your voice shaky from crying.

"Oh, you must've been cheering for Seijoh then," the voice was monotone, but seemed to be trying its best to sound sympathetic.

You nodded weakly, but you still didn't move your hands away from your now tear stained face.

"There are always winners and losers in games. It doesn't matter what side you are for, you always feel pity or happiness for the other team," the voice sighed out trying to sound sincere.

What he said... Was true. But how could you face the truth that you were still a sobbing mess in front of a stranger?

"I, uh," you lifted your face from your hands to say something back, but you were speechless.

The voice belonged to Ushijima Wakatoshi. You were talking to one of the top 5 aces in the district.

"Uh, uh, t-thank you for the lovely words," you murmured hiding your face again thinking that someone was watching you from afar.

"The truth can be lovely or discerning, but so is life," he trailed off finally walking back down the hallway,

Trying to process what he said, you began to wipe your tears away with your sleeve. Hearing other footsteps, you stood up so quickly you almost lost balance. Making yourself look like you weren't a sobbing mess a minute ago, you sniffed back a few sobs.

"Ack!" you squeaked in surprise as Oikawa was leaning against the wall next to you suddenly.

He appeared lost in some sort of deep thought. No tear stains were on his sleeves or shirt. His eyes weren't red from being upset. The only thing that seemed wrong is that he was leaning on his left foot more. Worrying that he injured his knee again, you opened your mouth to speak, but he cut you off.

"Who was that you were just talking to (name)-chan?" his eyes closed as he muttered that lowly.


"It was just a random stranger who was asking why I was crying that's all," saying that in your usual truthful tone, your voice was strained from crying.

"Why were you crying?" he persisted with his possessive-like questions as usual.

"Because you lost," a tear threatened to leave the corner of your eye again.

He straightened his posture keeping his right leg limp. Continuing to not open his eyes and look at you, he asked another question, "did Ushiwaka say anything bad about me?"

You paused before letting words slip from your mouth that was now quivering.

"N-no," you whispered averting your gaze down at the floor.

"Did he get close to you?" his eyes locked onto yours as you made eye contact.

The aura burning in his eyes was fiercer than what you've ever felt. Whatever you have said seemed to have agitated him to the extreme. His face remained calm, but those chocolate brown eyes were becoming engulfed with a possessive desire. An apparent limp was in his right leg as he enclosed you against the wall.

"S-someone will see," you whimpered the loose tear pooling the corner of your eye.

"I don't give a shit if they see. They'll know that you're mine and only mine. If Ushiwaka decides to come back, he will be the one to witness what dirty dirty things we do, right (name)-chan?" his voice was dripping with an intense jealous tone.

With that, a hand ghosted up your skirt. Your hand firmly clamped around it before it could tug down anything.

"I just lost my last official match with my team, I have to deal with my knee being a little bitch again, I have to protect you from Ushiwaka now, and this is what I get in return from my whiny (name)-chan? Rejection from the love that you crave most?" the sternness in his voice was overwhelming.

You didn't say anything back and were on the verge of breaking down into tears again. Not until you heard a silent sob leave Oikawa's lips. His shoulders slumped as his other hand dragged down the wall. He collapsed on his good knee keeping the other one limp. The hand left your grasp ever so gently. He morphed into a sobbing mess as you did. You've never seen him like this.

"I made a fool out of myself and that's what made us lose. Go on and say it, I disappointed everyone so badly that even (name)-chan doesn't even believe that I'm a good captain anymore," he blubbered out, not even bothering to wipe tears away.

Tears were pouring from your eyes as well. You slid down the wall and wrapped your arms around his shaky shoulders. Rubbing soothing circles into his back, you held him close like a child.

"N-no, I won't say that. You're the best boyfriend I've ever had. Ushiwaka doesn't even deserve to be around me, only you," choking out your best words, you couldn't handle saying anything and continued to sob like you did earlier.

He laced his fingers around your hand and squeezed a little harder than usual. The sobs ceased. He was leaning on his good knee and glaring straight into your cloudy eyes.

"Then make your captain feel like the best boyfriend," he seductively whispered in your ear the same hand inching up your thigh.

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