Puppet (6.66k Views Special)

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Woot woot. A very special milestone for this story. I typed this on my laptop once again, so sorry for any strange formatting. Thanks so much for reading my headcanons/one-shots! I gave this 666 words on purpose huehuehue. (Not including this message)

WARNING: Contains dark themes

            Black and red dots were splattered in random patterns about your eyes. The blank white room gave off this eerie vibe from these out of place dots. They weren't in perfect circles, and further examination revealed that the red dots were indeed blood. A few red dots on the walls began to drip downwards ever so slowly like a thick maple syrup. Something faint ticked around your ankles, wrists, and neck. Trying to ignore this tickling sensation, you tried to take a step forward. The tickling sensation was replaced by a searing pain in the same areas. Blinking rapidly in confusion only revealed blurred frames of red and black on the walls. In the spontaneous blur of images, the sight of a bloody wooden puppet caught in strings frightened you beyond belief.

"Wha?" you mumbled as the room returned to white.

Multiple strings cut into your flesh as the sensation of falling backwards took a hold of your helpless body. You caught yourself just in time, but you slipped and banged your chin hard against the floor. More pain surged through your body as you teeth bit into a chunk of your tongue. Spitting up more blood, the strings jerked you violently backwards. You couldn't scream for any sort of meaningless help as several trails of blood were left in your wake. Almost choking on your own blood, you had no choice but to spit out the loose chunk of your tongue.

"Why?" wailing to yourself, the white room splattered with your blood distorted into a black room.

It was pitch black now, but your blood trails illuminated a deep red color contrasting greatly. The strings tightened and cut off your breathing for a few seconds. Being lifted up and left to hang by the blood-stained strings, soft footsteps approached behind you.

"Cat got your tongue?"

The horror of that sentence was soon realized as a black cat scuttled into your view. In its mouth, was the bitten off piece of your tongue. That didn't scare you however; it was the lifeless and empty stare from those hollow eye sockets. You closed your eyelids so tightly that you might've ripped them from your skin. The pain just suddenly vanished. The sensation of having strings intertwined around you was gone. The darkness, it was gone.

A dim glow was in the distance now. You weren't on solid ground; you were just suspended in this empty space. Gradually floating towards this strange glow, squinting your eyes revealed that it was giving off a red illumination. The closer and closer you got, the more your body began to heat up. When you finally felt yourself stabilize onto the dark ground, you took careful footsteps towards this red light. It actually wasn't a light, but more of a glowing reflection from a vast number of burning candles. The glowing figure eventually began to split in half. There were two people from what it seemed like. They weren't moving, just staring at the candles with their backs turned to you.

"Be a good kitty and come closer."

"Be a good puppet and come closer."

"We don't want to have to use the strings to ruin your beautiful skin."

Their heads tilted backwards and revealed two frighteningly familiar faces. You only got to see them for a second before the candles were blown out by a gust of wind. Everything got frigid, but you couldn't help but pass out in the darkness. Two warm hands caressed down either side of your face. Whoever these hands belonged to, they were trying to communicate with you. All you heard was muffled noise. Nothing really stood out to you since it felt like your ears were covered. Could it have been the darkness hiding their real voices? A few words caught your attention finally.

"All ours."

"All yours."

Your eyes lazily opened to the sight of Kuroo and Oikawa smiling like two demons. In their hands, were the puppet strings attached to your helpless form.

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