Scariest Yandere Features

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Physical appearance

Daichi: this is an obvious choice. Everyone already knows that Daichi is scary when he's angry. Imagine him getting Yandere angry though. With his terrifying temper flares, he could easily make you submit. Combined with his demanding voice, you have no choice but to give into his demands. If you don't, he won't be afraid to use force.

Kageyama: already known to have temper issues, imagine these being influenced by his Yandere side. Not being the best when it comes to romantics means he will get physical easily. Of course, he already has a terrifying expression when he's upset.

Kuroo: surprised? Don't be. Kuroo could be hiding a secret angry side. This has already been shown very vaguely in the manga. His height only adds to the scare factor. No way you'll be able to outrun him. You could argue that he could be manipulative at times.

Iwaizumi: if his stern expression doesn't worry you enough, those ripped arms should. More vocal than physical, he's quite the force to be reckoned with. He does have somewhat of a short fuse from dealing with Oikawa's antics all the time.



Oikawa: could argue that he could fit in the "physical appearance" category. Known to be flirty, he gets to you with his skills. After twisting your mind around a few times, you soon realize that you're wrapped around his finger. That's when he makes his move and executes it perfectly.

Tsukishima: yet another obvious choice. Knows how to get to people's head. The onslaught of insults and rumors he says lowers your guard. Best at mentally toying with you. His word choices are sure to make you lose your common sense making you fall into his hands instantly.

Sugawara: best when it comes to manipulation in general. Whether it comes to mental or emotional toying, he's a master with any form. Cleverly disguises his true devilish form through an angelic mask of lies. His true form is a sadistic manipulator that is overly obsessed with you. Don't worry, he'll take good care of you...if you listen to his demands.



Hinata: enveloped with the crazy philosophy that he's living two lives inside one body. One of good, and one of evil. Becomes so obsessed over you that he can morph into a Yangire (someone who can violently snap at any moment in time). It doesn't matter if he "accidentally" hurts you, he'll get you in whatever means necessary.

Kenma: the scary "silent" type. It's always hard to tell what's going on inside of his head. No matter where you are, he's watching you all the time. He doesn't make himself known, you just know his presence is there. His word choices could make him a psychotic manipulator.

Bokuto: prone to random mood swings, there's no telling what's going on with him. Add a Yandere side, and he'll become distorted between too many personalities. It's bad whenever he gets locked into a personality that doesn't suit him, such as possessive.

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