Yandere Lev One-Shot

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WARNING: contains dark themes

(Okay I'm soooooo sorry for this I'm such an evil person I'll write some fluff to cover for this. I almost cried writing this. But hey, at least I finally got a Yandere fic accurate... Haha... *hides*)

It was the third time it happened this month. You found yourself sprinting for your life down the empty hallways of the school. Surprisingly, you were able to keep yourself away from his longer strides. The first time you ended up backed into a corner and left with a few bruises on your arms. The second time you left with vision of that childish, yet evil smile. This third time was different. No one was there to stop Lev in his tracks.

"Wow she's pretty," Lev whispered to himself as he first laid eyes on you.

You made it through the tryouts and finally got into the Nekoma cheerleading team. Becoming extremely pumped up for the occasion, you introduced yourself to the volleyball team. All of them were ogling at your appearance. Lev was the one who was interested in you the most. Your entire body appeared cuddly and he just wanted to hold you close to himself. Too close.

"Oi, Lev, you're drooling," Yaku elbowed him in the hips.

"Oh I am!" he exclaimed messily wiping the drool from the corner of his lips.

You spent most of your time trying to get to know the captain, Kuroo Tetsuro. Quickly taking notice that he was getting extremely flustered around your kindness and looks, you backed off for a while. Lev was too eager, so he sulked up next to you.

"Oh?" you turned around realizing the presence behind you, but you had to crane your neck upwards.

"Uh, h-hi!" Lev chirped up becoming beet red in the face.

"Hello!" you smiled sweetly.

Lev realized something now. He let his raging teenage hormones cloud his mind. All he wanted to do is hold you close and nothing else. Of course, this slow process of giving in to this angry possessive side would take time.

Before he could strike up an awkward conversation, Yaku bravely diverted your attention away. Lev clenched his teeth after hearing "don't hang around that idiot" from Yaku.

The first time came barreling from around the corner a few days later. Cheerleading practice ended around the same time as volleyball practice. Skipping over to the gym, you were greeted by a looming Lev. He didn't appear happy from his slumped over form.

"W-what's wrong?" cautiously tapping his back, he perked his head up at the sound of your voice.

His neck arched back with a twisted smile on his face. Eyes were bloodshot and puffy with tear stains on his cheeks. His shoulders were trembling, but his legs stiffly turned him around. Head hung low, that smile kept stretching and stretching. That toothy grin was now ear to ear. His form towered right over yours. The hormones eventually made his brain snap.

"Mine," he simply muttered before pinning you the concrete wall a few meters from the gym doors.

Too afraid to scream, your lips quivered in fear. The grip he had on your forearms were already leaving bruises. Before it appeared like he was about to throw you to the ground, Kuroo was running at you both. After tearing Lev away from you, you stumbled off before anyone could ask if you were okay.

You didn't visit the gym after practice due to that incident. Lev did receive a harsh lecture from Kuroo and a possible kick from Yaku, but all you got was an ice pack for the bruises.

"Mine," Lev always repeated that word seeing you at school.

Reluctantly visiting the gym after leaving practice early, you peaked through the doors of the gym. Kuroo noticed you spying, so he invited you inside. Lev wasn't in the gym much to your relief. After practicing a few spikes with Kuroo blocking and Yaku receiving, you felt two eyes boring into the back of your head. Lev was busy watching you from one of the gym windows.

"See ya~!" you waved to the team before heading out for the night.

Lev wasn't at the window as you walked yourself home. It was dusk, but it wasn't completely dark yet. Streetlamps were gradually flickering on and passing cars flipped on their headlights. A few blocks away from your house, you felt yourself being followed. Carefully craning your neck, you saw Lev sitting at a bus stop. The most defining feature was that childish smile. It wasn't like the psychotic one he had at first, but more, playful. That night you had a nightmare that Lev was chasing you around with a slashed and bleeding smile.

Now, the third time. Nowhere to run or hide, you found yourself being chased by Lev. Practice dragged on into the night, so most of the teachers left to go home. No one could hear your desperate pleas for help. Making a mistake, you ran into a dead end. Lev was closing in very quickly and you couldn't do anything but cry.

"LEV YOU IDIOT!" Yaku cried out from behind.

Lev ignored his profanities and continued closing in on you. He only got his attention with a swift kick to his leg. Stumbling to the floor on his knee, Yaku was about to kick him in the temple, but his foot was snatched up. The grip around his ankle was excruciatingly painful. Hearing an audible "pop", you had to cover your ears from the screaming.

"L-LEV WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Yaku managed to choke out with all the agony he was in.

He just giggled in response. Standing up to full height, he tightened his grip on the already injured ankle. Your entire body was shaking with fear as you couldn't block out the piercing screams of Yaku. Almost being lifted off the ground, Lev just let him wail and struggle on his elbows for support. Yaku was about to kick his arm in order to escape, but Lev clenched his other hand around his other ankle.

"LET GO YOU PSYCHO!" Yaku screamed so loudly that he could taste blood in the back of his throat.

"No," Lev let his jaw slack and a childish laugh left his wide grin.

Watching the whole thing take place was a bad idea. Lev curled his fingers around Yaku's bad ankle. He knew what was coming next, so he began to thrash himself wildly. Nothing was working in Lev's iron grip. That slack jaw grin shut into a firm frown. His fingers curled more tightly. You should have been looking away right then. Setting his right foot on Yaku's stomach for support, he giggled like a child again.

"You're never getting (name)," he growled.

Yaku's ankle bent. A harsh snapping noise echoed through the hallway. Shrill shrieking shattered your eardrums. The way Yaku's ankle was dangling freely made your face pale completely. You couldn't help your weak stomach and threw up a little on the floor. When Yaku ran out of breath from screaming Lev took the time to stalk up to you. Lowering his head to your frozen form, his expression shifted back to normal.

"Now you're mine!" he smiled patting your head as Yaku resumed screaming. Kuroo finally barreled around the corner and lost his lunch at the sight as well.

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