House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins

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The next day, the kids were all in calculus class when Ms. Marshall, the headmistress came through the door.

"So, some of you must have seen, multiple times, on the news that a thunderstorm is headed for Liverpool." She said.

Most of the kids nodded.

"Well, the storm was thought to come on Sunday, but unfortunately, it's coming today. We cannot take the risk of someone getting 'struck by lightning', so, Anubis House, Isis House, Hathor House, and Mutt House are going to have to stay here for two nights."

Everybody groaned. "Do not complain, this is for your own safety!" Ms. Marshall left the room.

"I can barely stand one day at school, but now we have to stay here? For two nights?!" Rhys groaned. Sarah chuckled.

The teacher, Mr. Pillars, another Secret Society member, stood. "Everyone from the three houses Ms. Marshall had mentioned, please, file into the drama room."

Teachers were laying out used sleeping bags and old blankets on the ground.

"Um, Mr. Matthews?" Arielle raised her hand. "Yes?" He answered.

"So, we won't even get to bring our stuff from our houses?" She asked. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Ms. Clarke, it's too dangerous."

Arielle sighed.

Sarah gasped. She grabbed Leslie and Robert's arm. "We left the riddle and the Grail of Anubis at Anubis House." She realized.

"Like Charles will find it." Leslie scoffed. "You did hide it? Didn't you?"

"I put it under my mattress. Rhys put the riddle in his room." Sarah replied.

"Rookie mistake. What if Charles goes searching our rooms? For obvious reasons, mattresses are the first place people look for things." Leslie shook her head.

"No it's not!" Robert and Sarah said simultaneously.

"Really? That's what my mom told me." Leslie frowned.

The teachers brought out the beds. "Wha-? I can't sleep in these. This one is ripped." Arielle complained.

"Don't worry, the green and blue ones are for boys, the red and white ones are for girls." Ms. Davidson explained.

"How is it that any better?" Duncan asked.

"Boys know how to deal with things better than girls." Mr. Pillars stated. Ms. Marshall and Ms. Davidson raised their eyebrows.

"I-I've said too much." Mr. Pillars stuttered, as he nervously walked out.


"You hid the Grail under your mattress? Wouldn't that get uncomfortable?" Jax asked.

"You wouldn't believe how bad my back is in the morning." Sarah chuckled. "How can something that small cause that much pain?" Jax wondered.

"Off topic!" Robert yelled.

Jax and Sarah turned their attention to him. "Okay, two of us have to sneak back to Anubis House before the storm hits and get the riddle and the Grail." Robert said.

"It's too late, Robert." Leslie sadly stated, looking at the dark clouds outside the window.

"It's not that bad yet. Leslie and I will go to Anubis House and get the Grail of Anubis and Rhys and Sarah will cover for us."

"Who died and made you King?" Jax asked. "I don't see you coming up with a plan."

Jax replied, "He is correct."

House of Anubis: The Grail of AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now