House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit

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Jax was asleep in his room.


He was dreaming.

The Chosen One and the Osirian have been bonded together for centuries. It is now time for you, Osirian, to realize your purpose. Save them.

There were pictures of hand-holding throughout time between the Chosen One and the Osirian, but the most familiar to Jax, was Nina and Eddie's first time holding hands.

Jax immediately woke up.

Help her...

"I can't be the Osirian."

Jax walked out of his room. He saw August.

"Hey, have you seen...anyone? It's 9:00 p.m now, and it's only three more hours until the Siring Hour." August explained.

"Nevermind that. We have to do some investigating of our own."

"Like..." August trailed off.

Jax gulped. "Do you remember when Riley and Sarah went to visit Victor and he told them that someone was tricked into believing that they weren't the Osirian?"

"Not in those exact words, Victor told them that someone was deceived." August responded.

"Yeah. And I think that someone, was me." Jax grabbed August and headed to his parents house, where his birth certificate was.


Trudy sighed. "Where is she?" Trudy was at the church, with all her guests. And the only person she was waiting on, was Arielle. Of course, the rest of the Anubis residents were supposed to be there. She was beginning to get worried.


Arielle rubbed her hands. She gulped.

She ran outside, worrying that Leslie and Riley got into huge trouble with Rebecca, not knowing that Rebecca was only with Leslie and the Society had taken Riley.

Remembering everything that Sibuna had told her, Arielle had walked towards the clearing. "No oil." She sighed.

She saw tire tracks. "Yes!"


Sarah finally walked inside the house, and walked around until she finally found the door to the roof.

She climbed inside of it, and stood on the roof.

"God, I told you not to come!" Rhys yelled.

"Sarah, you have to help us!" Duncan begged. "These teachers are insane!" Sarah saw them all tied up to a chair.

"I only heard Rhys in the background of the phone." Sarah frowned.

"Society, please leave." Charles ordered.

"No, it's only three more hours until the Siring Hour." Ms. Marshall replied.

"Go!" He screamed. The Society jumped, and left him.

"You see, Sarah, the only way for them to survive me, is for you to bless the grail in...say...three hours." Charles said.

"No! Sarah, don't listen to him, he's lying!" Robert yelled.

"Hush, boy!" Charles spat.

"We're the five representations Charles needs to get his family back. Don't you get it? It's a life for a life situation! Five family members for five family members of each family! That's why we ended up in Anubis House." Robert explained.

"There's no way I'll help you." Sarah looked up at him. "That's a disappointment." Charles sighed.

Charles pulled out a hunting knife, and held it to Rhys's neck. "Too bad I'm not giving you much of a choice."

"Hold on; life for a life? Is this what you've guys been doing? An investigation?" MacKenzie asked.

The members of Sibuna glanced at Duncan and MacKenzie, the only people who stayed clueless about their group during the term.

Sarah sighed, and stood by the table where he laid out the ingredients. "What do you want me to do?"


Jax and August finally reached his house. "So? Do you have the key?"

"Of course."

Jax stood on his tippy-toes, and searched around the borders of the top of the door.

"Yes! It's a miracle I remember where the spare one was." Jax chuckled. He unlocked the door.

They walked inside.

"How do you plan on finding your birth certificate?" August asked.

"I don't need to." Jax walked over to his red velvet sofa, and got a picture frame off the coffee table.

"For some weird reason, my parents love to frame these types of things." Jax showed him his birth certificate.

"March 15th, 2017. 4:00 p.m. You're not the Osirian." August shrugged.

August looked at his watch.


"But we'll find out soon. Where are your parents at this time of night?"

"Oh, um, my Dad's on a business trip and my Mum is always sleeping at Aunt Mara's whenever she has to be home alone." Jax explained. He took the birth certificate out of the frame, and examined it.

He saw the paint markings on the sides of his birth date. "White-out."

He took out a quarter, and began scratching it off. "Jax, what are you doing? Your birth certificate is not the lottery!" August exclaimed.

"They painted over my real birth date with white-out to protect me from the truth." Jax showed him the birth certificate.

"December 21st, 2017. 12:00 a.m."

Jax felt a surge of energy go through him. He fell down.

He got his first vision.

He saw Charles. He was assuming he was seeing everything through Sarah's eyes.

"Hurry, child. The Siring Hour is here." Charles told her.

"You are the Osirian." August chuckled. Jax glanced at the clock.

"It's 12:00." Jax ran out the house.

She needs you, Osirian...

Technically, Nina and Eddie cupped hands, but that's besides the point. Jax is the Osirian, Sarah's mixing the ingredients, Arielle is off on a rescue mission, and Leslie wasn't in this chapter.

Until next time, Keepers! New name for my readers. You like?


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