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     I inhaled sharply, extremely nervous. Surely I looked alright, professional enough, yeah. If I stare in to this mirror any longer I'll be late. That's the last thing I need, is to be late to a job interview. I grabbed my keys, and stuffed them in to my pocket. Hopefully I put on enough deodorant to get me through the nerve-wracking process of interviewing. Geez, is that what I'm worried about? I mean, it's not like this is a huge corporation or anything. Not like I have bigger things to worry about, like oh I don't know, making a superb impression or anything.

     I pulled up, trying to pull myself in to focus for the final time. My hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly, when my phone buzzed. I retrieved it as I stepped out of the car. It was a good friend of mine, Lois. I smiled; she was wishing me good luck as I told her I had a job interview today. Surely she knew I needed it. I've been looking for a job for weeks, and it seemed like forever. I needed this. You can't live in Metropolis too long without income, it sucks you dry. I thanked her and looked up, observing the high stature of the building. LexCorp.

     I was greeted when I walked inside almost immediately. A tall woman, with dark, short hair welcomed me, asking for my name and information. Telling me to have a seat, she said she would be right back to bring me to wherever I had to go. I nodded, smiling. I took a seat and looked out of one of the windows. There was so much to Metropolis, and sometimes I wonder if anyone's taken the time to really look at it all. The people in the streets seemed so busy, and all the scurrying made the people look frantic.

"Miss. Mira Morix?"

     As soon as I heard my name, I was fixated away from my pointless Metropolitan daydreams. I stand hastily and see the short haired woman standing a few feet away from me, smiling. I clumsily straighten my shirt out and follow her. She makes some small talk as we walk through some corridors until we reach a door. I stare at it, expecting it to open on its own. She knocks for me, and a man not much taller than me appears. His hair in waves, brown. He smiles unnervingly.

"Ah! Miss Morix, yes? Alexander Luthor, nice to meet you!" He holds out his hand for me to shake, then continues speaking as the short haired woman walks away. "Your name, it has such a nice ring to it! Come in! Take a seat!"

I do so.

"So tell me, LexCorp, you want to work here I take it? Of course you do! Why else would you be here?" He lets out a chuckle, sitting across from me, on the other side of an oak desk. "Oh, don't mind this clutter. I'm never in here, so my desk is never tidy. I'm usually in the lab."

I wasn't sure how to respond, he seemed to be jumping from conversation to conversation.

"So anyway, LexCorp, tell me, what do you bring to the table? Or desk, as we so have it!" He smiled the same unnerving smile. I couldn't help but smile back; it seemed like the right thing to do in such a moment.

"Well, I, uh, I've been working a lot with various sets of—"
"Are you nervous?" He interrupted, leaning in a bit. For some reason him acknowledging it was comforting. I felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards slightly with relief.
"To be honest Mr. Luthor I am. I could really use a job like this."
"Well, let me tell you something Miss Morix, there is no need to be so nervous. Your resume is quite impressive...now go on, you were talking about...technology yes?"

I nod. "Right. I seem to be jumping from corporation to corporation lately, which I really don't want to be. But I've been mostly recording and analyzing results, or like, preparing specimens and samples." He nodded.

"Well Miss Morix, I must ask you then...how are you with constructing, maintaining and operating standard laboratory equipment? You know, for example centrifuges, titrators, pipetting machines, yada yada yada?" He raised an eyebrow slightly. He seemed oddly enough almost playful, and very lively.
"I'd say it's become a specialty of mine. I am very reliable when it comes to keeping up to date with technical developments, especially those which can save time and improve reliability Mr. Luthor."
There was a slight pause, and then his lips cracked in to a grin. "I like that answer Miss Morix! One more question, then I'll be sure to let you be on your merry way!"
"Sure Mr. Luthor."
He paused, for emphasis I suppose. Possibly for anticipation.
"When can you start Miss. Morix?"
"Whenever is convenient for you Mr. Luthor."
"Ah, yet another splendid answer! Tomorrow morning then? Say around nine?"
"Of course Mr. Luthor."
"Oh, call me Lex. I insist!" He waved his hand playfully.
"Sure thing then Lex. Call me Mira."
"Certainly Certainly"
We shook hands as he stood to walk me out. A picture hung neatly on the wall caught my attention.
"That's a peculiar picture you got there, I like it." I pointed to a long framed picture on his wall. Seemingly of two beings, one was flying. It was painted in different shades of brown, white, maybe gray.
"Oh do you? Thank you, thank you. I suppose we can talk about it some other time. I find it has a great...message, embedded within it."

I nod with a smile.

Miss. MorixWhere stories live. Discover now