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It's been determined by the overriding majority vote of the general population that the 'Kryptonite Liquescent' will not be used on Superman. The exponential risks would mean putting the life of an innocent in jeopardy. Superman has been classified as a common citizen with the rights of the rest of us and will not be put in to unconcealed danger.

I stood staring at the television. The words trailed off and became nothing more than white noise.

"Meers?" I turned to see my brother standing there, arms wide open.
"Masey! How are you?"
"Good! Still no headaches!"
"That's so great!"

We sat down, facing eachother.

"I saw you on that thing the other day." He gestured towards the television.
"Oh yeah?" I asked nervously.
"They made you look ignorant."
"I know you're not. But, you must spill. What's up with the romance?" He nudged me playfully.
"Hm. Then who's spreading rumors? Gee, like you're in Hollywood!" He chuckled.
I leaned in towards him, almost whispering. "I think Lois."
"What? She never would."
"She thinks I'm a threat to Clark's...uh, well-being."
"That's insanity!" He exclaimed.
"Shhh! I know."
"Why would she do such a thing?"
"Why? Because she's been talking to a co-worker about my motives."
"Motives? What's your co-1worker fucking baggin' on you for?"
"She has it in for me. I took her job. I think. Maybe."
"How much drama could you possibly be in?"

I shrugged as a nurse came over to Mason. He held out his arm and she continued to take his blood pressure, oxygen level and temperature. I watched, looking at the readings. All normal.

"He's doing good then?" I asked.
"He's had the best response to rehab of all the people here. Kudos to you. You're his sister, right?"
"A very proud one, yeah."
"The best one I could ask for." Mason added. The nurse just smiled and walked out.

"Have you eaten today Masey?"
"Meers, yes, I ate. We were talking about you. And your motives."
"I have not ulterior motives Mase. I accomplished what I wanted. Look at you. Is that some fat on your forearm?" I smacked it playfully. He laughed.
"I just don't want you looking like a bad guy. You're gonna change a lot of lives. You should pursue medicine Meers, for real."

"Yeah, no."
"Right, can't leave Lexy." He mocked.
"Ah, screw you!" I joked.

     We sat and spoke about everything but me for a while. I was so sick of hearing about myself, my accomplishments, and my life. I yearned to hear about someone else's thoughts. I wanted Mason to talk for hours. And he did too. When I had finally arrived home Harley was fast asleep. I was no where near tired. I dialed the Lab's number. I waited. Waited. Waited. Nothing. No answer. I sat down and patiently dialed. Nothing. I stared at my empty living room. It was silent. I could hear a pin drop, a penny drop. I wouldn't be surprised if I could hear a feather dropping. It was that quiet. It was that still. It was eerily quiet.

Then the lights flickered momentarily.

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