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I slid my lab coat on and made my way to the basement. At his desk, Lex sat eccentrically. He looked exasperated. No, he looked crazed.

"Lex? Can I help you with something?" I asked delicately.
"AGH!" He pushed his belongings to the floor, and hopped from his seat. "No. No no no. you- you can't help. The wit of the people. The people. The brain washed inhabitants of our doomed city! Thick skulled." He waved his hand and shook his head fiercely.
"Lex I-"
"Ah! But I have a plan. I have a plan that will undeniably put the clarity back in to the moralities lost under the asphalt of the city!" His fist slammed on to a counter loudly. "Heh, and when I do. Oh, when I do, the people will know that I, the scientist everyone describes as manic, was right. I was veracious!" He pointed at me.
"I don't think...I don't think you're manic." My voice trembled.
"Psychotic they say. Psychotic they mumble. Well, hah! Let me articulate something to you. Let me spit the words of veneered honesties! That, word, is a three syllable word for any thought too big for little minds! Their minds are trifling, miniscule!
"And you! Who are you to rummage through my folders unsupervised! You had no authorization! No! No, no, no. I never uttered a word, not a syllable that allowed you to think so!" He slammed his palm on to a transparent case ferociously

      The corner of his mouth was twitching. I swallowed hard. With a deep breath I shoved my hands in my pocket. I was flooded with the numerous warnings thrown at me over the course of my employment. It momentarily made the hands in my own two pockets shake. I stared back, with purpose. I pressed my lips together, and felt my own lip curl.

"Listen Lex!"
"Me!? Hah, Me? Oh how cute." He scoffed.

I took a step towards him. He watched, still glaring at me with erratic spilling from him.

"I was worried. Worried. You get it? Worried. Do you even know what that means?"
"Worried? People don't disquiet! Concern? Heh-Heh, worry is what my father felt before he lost his company. Worry is what Lois feels every time she gets herself in to yet another uninteresting situation! Every time Clark needs to rescue her! He swoops like a God, an all-powerful, supremacy hungry God! You know I did it, oh! You know!"
"What do I know?" I stepped closer yet again. He stepped closer as well.
"You know I staged it! I framed him! You think I have confidence in humanity? You're blind! I've fixed this, patched it together! I patched him together. Both cities, in the palms of my hands. I sent those letters. I sent the ones he showed you. Oh did I send them subsequently!" He held his hands out to me. "And you? You! You elegantly scrutinizing!"

"I'm not afraid of you Lex." I said softly.

He abruptly turned from me.

"You! You afraid? How could the woman with the answers be troubled? Anxious? Petrified? Ah, of course you're not. But you're not the only one. No, no I figured it out! And before long, the city, the whole doomed city will meet Superman's downfall!"

I watched as he stood still, staring at the folders on his desk. His grin frenzied.

"And from the best seat possible, I will be watching alongside you."

The words spilled from my mouth and wiped the grin from his face. He turned to me quickly, a serious face projected.

"What was that?" He questioned.
"You wait to know the truth. The truth is that no one cares about whether you succeed or he does. They're banking on your demise, not his. But I'd be damned if I wasn't raptured in the concern regarding your demise."

He treaded towards me cautiously.

"You look confused." I notified him.
"No. Not confused."
"Your motions look disorganized."

His face was erased of all indications of unpredictable behavior.

"Your words...decadence." His head slanted slightly. He looked intrigued.
"I shouldn't have let you surmount me entirely then I'd presume."
He stepped closer to me. "You sound as if you desire my attention darling."
"Perhaps I've found your manic behavior endearing." I whispered.
"Perhaps you're not good enough to manage it."
"Surely I feel good enough."

"Your cheeks are a lovely shade of cherry."
"And your eyes appear mortifyingly dumbfounded."

There was a pause.

"You sound as if you crave my heart's manufactured constituents." He whispered close enough I could feel the words making my skin crawl. "Or is it the liking of my haunted affection?"
"Your doubtful façade needs to vanish." I told him coquettishly.
"Is that what you want? Haunting affection? A clingy, over adhering voice?"
"I'm still waiting for the rain to fall. The fiery reactions of a fleeting entanglement." I breathed.
"So it's the heart you want?" His lips grazed mine. I could almost tasted him.
"Perhaps..." I whispered almost inaudibly.

     My breathing stopped as his lips crashed on to mine. We couldn't hold on to anything respectable, not a single thing was tranquil. My hands fled from his and entangled themselves in his hair. The kisses became staggered as they became fervent. His hands slid to my waist. With force, he pulled me in to him, his back colliding against a translucent casing. I could barely breathe, but I felt elated. We stopped, our eyes scanning the other obsessively.

"Well, then do I have a secret for you." Our bodies remained pressed together as his pointer finger traced the outline of my lips.
"What's that?" I smiled mischievously.
"That heart you crave?" He took my hand and folded it in to a fist. He kissed the backside of it gently. My skin heated. It felt as if though the veins in my body were transporting magma. "It's already bleeding in your hands my love." 

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