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     The tall, thin, short haired woman was at the same front desk as she was when I had come for my interview. I approached her, and she beamed instantly, as if she remembered me distinctively. It was weird.

"Miss. Morix! Hello!"I guess she did remember me. I felt bad; I didn't know her name to greet her in the same manner. So I awkwardly exchanged the same gleeful smile causing her to continue. "Mr. Luthor has been talking nonstop about you all morning. He's looking forward to you helping him out today. We just have to get you a--"

"I'll be working with Mr. Luthor today?"

     I didn't mean to interrupt, really I didn't, but it threw me off guard, making me instantly nervous. I tried to remember how he had told me just yesterday that I had no reason to be nervous, that my resume was an indicator of it. It didn't help my irrational nerves. First day on the job, and he wants me in the lab with him?

"I'm not sure what he wants you doing, to be completely honest with you. I was just told to get your I.D picture taken, then escort you to his office."

It was a relief to hear.


     I felt a little embarrassed. I hoped instantaneously that I didn't sound too eager, or possibly too hysterical over the possibility of working with him today. I'm a professional after all. Trying to push the humiliation from my head was proving to be difficult. I was so distracted I didn't even notice my surroundings as I made my way to the camera set up. Before I knew it I was simply sitting, waiting for the snap of the camera, or even just the flash.


"Thank you Miss. Morix. Come over here please."

     I did as she instructed. She was laminating my newly printed I.D. She punched a hole in it and hooked a lanyard in it before handing it to me. It was still a bit warm from being freshly printed. I nodded to her, thanked her, and we continued walking through the corridors. I couldn't help but stare down at my new card. I take awful pictures, I knew that. But, that wasn't why I was staring at it. To be frank, it seemed surreal almost, to be working in such a setting. I haven't even started and I was inexplicably in awe of being here.
     We stopped. Slowly, I looked up to see the same door and the short haired woman smiling awkwardly at me. I looped my I.D around my neck, and gave her what felt was a nervous smile. I couldn't be sure though, I wasn't looking at myself. She knocked for me just as before. There was no answer, so she knocked again. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, and to probably tell me to follow her back to the front desk so she could give him a ring, there was a slam of a door. No more than a minute later, Lex was walking down the corridor towards us. He had a lab coat on, white, which was unbuttoned. There seemed to be nothing in the pockets, but there were some smudges on his sleeve.

"I am so sorry! So so so very sorry Miss. Morix!" He paused as he reached us. "Oh, no wait!" His fingertips touching his forehead, he shook his head. "Mira. You told me to refer to you as Mira! Forgive me. How are you today? Doing well? You look well."

     I couldn't help but lighten up. His intermittent conversation was, in a weird way, endearing. It seemed to be uplifting. I wasn't nervous anymore. Besides, he's so damn energetic I never have to say too much. So, that means there is less of a chance I will say something incredibly dumb to mess this up for myself. In fact, I was almost hoping the spare lab coat draped over his forearm was for me.

He unlocked his office door, then closed it behind me.
"Oh look at that!" His hand lightly grasped the I.D card that was hanging around my neck. "You did have time to get that done! Splendid!" He studied it momentarily. "Oh, you take a wonderful picture Mira! Nice smile, nice smile."
I wasn't really sure that he and I had seen the same picture printed on the piece of plastic, but I didn't object. I just smiled, possibly blushed just slightly.
"Okay, okay down to business. I saw on your resume, the overqualified one, that you were immensely involved in specimen and sampling testing?"
"I worked on numerous projects, as well as my own. I'm familiar with the process of recording of the characteristics inhibited as well."

"Well, how would you like to work with me in the lab today Mira?"
"Me? I'd be honored."
"Oh, you always know the right answers don't you? Spectacular! Put this on. It should fit...well hopefully. It is smaller than mine rest assured."

Miss. MorixWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt