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     The rain fell from the sky like pellets; pellets with a purpose. It was raining, absolutely pouring. The sky was obscure, and the gray made the atmosphere seem monotonous. Even though there was no sight of the sun, it wasn't particularly cold out. A simple jacket was efficient enough. I decided the best plan of action, so to speak, would be to run from my car to the front doors. There were cargo trucks all around the entrance of LexCorp. Workers were, well, at work, hauling crates of various sizes from the back of the trucks and in to LexCorp. Okay, Okay on three.


I ran as fast as I possibly could. I was pretty close, almost at the front doors, when my body suddenly jolted to a stop. A hand was wrapped around my wrist; I turned to face its owner.

"Mira, my dear, where are you going so quickly? A hello would have been nice!" He pulls on my arm, causing me to be only inches from him.
"Oh you know, getting out of the rain." I chuckled, relieved to see him. I hate to admit it, but that unsettling smile was quite soothing.
"You don't like the rain Miss. Morix?"
"I do, actually. Just not when I'm going to be working in a lab all day."
"Uh huh. Well I have good news for you!"
"What's that?" My heart sped up. I suppose he had something else planned for the day.
"We're going for a ride my dear." His grin appeared, and I couldn't help but smirk back at him.

     He let go of my wrist, and began walking away from me. I followed, noticing he was dressed casually in jeans and a slick black jacket. I looked down; I had dressed as such too. I always did though, no use wearing anything too formal when it's hidden by a lab coat anyway. Only, it wouldn't be today. So, I felt a bit self-conscious. How silly. Lex kept walking. His hair was dripping rain droplets, and they ran down his jacket from his shoulders, but it was quite a sight. One I wasn't used to. He stopped, and as I caught up to him, I noticed the motorcycle in front of him. He handed me a helmet.

"Put this on. Surely you've been on a motorcycle? I wouldn't want anything happening to you." He shook his head and handed me a helmet. "It should fit. Well hopefully. It is smaller than mine rest assured." He smiled uncannily, remembering he's said just that before.
"Of course. But, no."
"No what?" He annunciated, quickly irritated.
"I've never been on a motorcycle before."
He chuckled, his persona changing. "Oh! I thought you were inexplicitly refusing the helmet! Oh, it's nothing, really. Nothing to it. Just hold on tightly. You know, to my torso, and you'll be fine."
"Where are we going?"
"I'm certainly not telling you that. You'll have to trust me. You trust me don't you?" He slung a leg over the motorcycle, a nod of his head prompting me to get on.
"I trust you Lex, yes."
"Good to know, good to know. I trust you too Miss Mira. Very much so. You know, incontestably! Now, now grab on, got it? Tightly Mira, tightly."

     I did as he instructed. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing tightly to sarcastically notify him I was holding on tightly. He propped his feet up and revved the engine. We took off, and I rested my head on his back. I watched the streets of Metropolis fly by as we made our way through it. He was speeding, certainly speeding. He was weaving his was through traffic too. He was definitely one of those motorcycle drivers you loathe on the streets when you're driving around in a car. I couldn't say I felt frightened though. I should have, man I should have, but I felt more of a thrill than I did fear.

"We're going to turn a few times. Go with it, just, just when I turn one way lean that exact way!" He shouted to me.

     I barely understood, and the first turn or two caught me off-guard. But I grasped what he was refereeing to. It felt unnatural at first, presumably uncomfortable, as I felt like I was going to fall. But after a while, it felt like I was repeatedly escaping death. The physical feeling felt like I was just hovering over demise itself. After some time, I wasn't sure where we were anymore. It was almost barren, and we were alone. I looked around as he stopped the bike; stepping off while he jerked the kickstand down with his foot. I got off, removed my helmet, and hung it over a handlebar. We were at a dock it seemed.

"Ah, yes, put it there. It'll be fine there. It won't fall." He rested his own on the seat of the bike.
"What are—"
"We doing here? Heh! Follow me!"

We stepped closer and closer to the river. A big white boat sat contently on the water. It bobbed up and down as the water seemed to be flowing rather swiftly. The White Portuguese.

"Well. This is it. This is what all that cargo came from. Beautiful right? You know I'm not sure what type of boat it is? I never really cared about that. The model number. I'm not a boat person."
"Oh no? I'd think you would be, now that one was responsible for bringing the goods to you." I chuckled forcefully.
"You'd think, yeah. But it was found at the bottom of the ocean, and I don't enjoy swimming. The arm movements seemed too awkward for me." He waved his hand dismissively and then began walking towards the ship. I followed.

     He boarded and so I did as well. It seemed spacious. Truth is I don't know how to swim. So I can be rather frightened by the thought of being on one. I looked out past the river and watched the droplets hit the water intently. Ringlets continuously rung out, causing small splashes consistently. I was absolutely drenched and could feel the droplets dripping down the sides of my cheeks. I used my sleeve to wipe my face clear.

"You know, over there is Gotham." I continued to stare across the way.
"On the other side of the river?"
"Yes, yes of course, yes. Gotham city. City of the Bat! Can I tell you a secret?" He walked up behind me, and I felt his body close to mine. His chin rested on my shoulder. "Do you know who Bruce Wayne is?" He was whispering. I couldn't manage to reply adequately, so I shook my head slightly. "He's Batman my dear." The words linger by my eardrum as his breath did on the lobe of my ear. I shivered. "Have you met him? Bruce Wayne that is. I would see no reason you would meet Batman." 

     I shook my head again slowly, feeling his body drift from mine, but I continued to picture what we would have looked like from an outsider's perspective. If a bird were watching us, how would we have looked? It felt intimate but Lex is well, desensitized, and so it may have been his engaging, yet quirky, personality. His chin lifted from my shoulder. 

"Huh. Peculiar. I would think you may have. Perhaps you have never been to Gotham? No problem! It does not matter. I am having him over for a party. My mansion. You should come; I will be discussing the progressions of LexCorp as well as meeting with people who think they're particularly important to discuss the innovations made."
"I shall make sure I attend." I said matter-of-factly.
"Good. Good. I take pride in such events."
"Mmm. Indeed. You Mira...you understand that. You have plenty going on up here—" He tapped on the one of my temples. "—that you just have not shared. But you must take pride. It leaks. It leaks in to the tonnage of your voice. Not defiant, but not feeble. Your mind is not frail. I like that. Reserved is not the same as fragile Mira."

There was a brief pause. I wasn't facing him, but I could hear his hand digging through his pocket. "I must have left your invitation in the lab. No worries, really. I can always fill you in on the details." He was still digging. "But what's this? Ah!"

     I felt his body draw near to mine yet again. One hand rose, resting on my shoulder, while I felt him take a deep, but steady, breath. A rush of breath loitered on my skin. I shivered, holding my own briefly. I tried to focus; really I did, on the city lights of what Lex had just revealed to me to be Gotham. His other hand rose, and appeared in front of my face, holding a small piece of candy. Maybe? He grazed it upon my lips delicately.

"It's cherry." He muttered.

     I held it between my teeth for a second before eating it. The hand that was holding the candy retracted to his lips, which were still by my ear. He licked them individually, but not sloppily, of any sticky remainders from the candy. I slightly licked my bottom lip, then bit it just as lightly. It was absolutely cherry.

"If anyone so much as gazes at you my darling I will abolish them. Our proximity as of this moment has me manic. I'm unselfishly reluctant to derail. You...you belong to me."

    His voice stern, but still hushed. It sent quivers through my whole body. Goosebumps pricked at my skin. It felt as if though I was trembling. Scared? How could I be scared? Oh I was certainly not frightened. Not alarmed, nor panicky.

No, I was feeling unusually exhilarated.

Miss. MorixWhere stories live. Discover now