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 "Where have you been? Geez, I've been looking for you!" 

     Lois barged pass me, through my front door. "I was thinking maybe we could go out for brunch or something? I have so much to update you on!" She seemed cheery. Agitated I haven't called lately, but happy to see me. I stared down at the floor, sitting on my living room couch, as she walked around the living room with wide handed gestures, telling me all about the date her and Clark went on yesterday evening. It must have been somewhat fancy if she was gushing about a 'fantastic piano player'. As she began describing the meal they had there was a pause, a very immediate pause. I looked up to see her staring at Harley, and Harley back at her.

"Hi! Nice to meet ya! I'm a friend of Mira's! Have we met?" Harley suddenly erupted in to pure energy. Lois looked at me, then back at her. I felt my mouth twitch a bit in discomfort.
"No...I don't think we have, Lois." Lois held out her hand. The smile on her face was fake. I stood up to join the conversation and Lois turned to me quickly. "How come you never mentioned Harley? She seems delightful." There was a slight edge in her tone. I almost felt like I was speaking to a very grudging Clark.

"We just met, not too long ago, in Gotham." I managed to say.
"Gotham!? When were you in Gotham!?" Lois exclaimed. I watched as Harley went to retrieve something to drink from the fridge. Lois' eyes followed her.
"I was there to get away for a bit. Met some nice people."
"Uh-huh. You never mentioned going? I would have taken a trip with you! Must be something happening over there to report on!" Her go-lucky attitude was also fake.
"Like the Batman spiel?" I let out a very forced chuckled.
There was a slight pause.

"So, Lois, you live in Metropolis too?" Harley asked her, sipping on a bottle of water, free hand on her hip.

     Lois eyed her up and down. I assume she was contemplating what to make of her as I had. Harley wasn't in a maid's outfitting anymore either but in some promiscuous get-up. She definitely looked like a psycho's girlfriend, no doubt. I tried to keep from panicking. I have anxiety, in case you couldn't tell.

"I do. I've lived here all my life. Mira and I have been good friends for a while."
"Oh, cool, cool. You two seem like you'd get along. Have you met her boy toy?" Harley bit her tounge and I immediately felt my hands start to sweat.
"Boy toy?"
"Yeah! Mr. Lex! The two of them spends all kinds of time together!"

     I secretly was hoping Lois would find this conversation appalling. Now would be a good time for her to get mad at me. I mean, not that I wish people to be upset with me, but I could use the social relief.

"Ah, no. She just mentioned he was her newest boss." Lois and I exchanged glances; glances that consisted of a questioning look from her eyes to a very self-conscious receiving in mine.
"Well, of course! He is her boss!" Harley nudged my arm playfully.
"Well, look. I have to...go. I have a lot of writing to do for tomorrow's admissions." Lois faked yet another smile my way.
"I'll call you." I assured her. She just nodded.
"It was nice meeting you Harley."
"Ah, you too Lois!"

     The door shut and I stared at it for a few moments. Harley looked around the room and then threw the water bottle in to the trash bin by my kitchen counter.

"I recycle." I called softly to her.
"Oh, right, sorry." She moved the bottle and afterwards skipped towards me. "So what do you do for fun around here? I can't stay indoors, I'll go stir crazy."

She already seemed pretty crazy, but who was I to judge?

"I, uh, I usually read. Or work in the lab. But, I, uh, figured I wouldn't today."
There was a pause.
"Hmmmmmm." She over exaggeratingly tapped her chin as if she were 'pondering'. "How about we go to a gun range? I love gun ranges. Always hit the bull's-eyes!" Her hands shot up as she hopped slightly in place. I hesitated on a response. "Harley I've never...I've never shot a gun before." She looked instantly surprised. So much so, you'd think I had just managed to pull off the world's best magic trick; which is completely not even plausible. I suck at magic tricks. I always had.

"Then I'll have to teach ya! No way! Shouldn't you know Mira? Yes." 

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. I suppose there's been a first time for everything as is; why not add to the damn list?

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