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            The helicopter ride was nauseating, but captivatingly mesmerizing. I was just thankful it wasn't raining or anything. There would have been a good chance I would have panicked. I don't do well with heights, unless I'm in an airplane. Trust me when I say this; being in a helicopter is not like being in an airplane. There's no feeling of security; you are not encased with metal bound walls. I could fall out easily, or so it seemed. It felt more like hovering, less like flying.

     I didn't take much with me. I shouldn't be in Gotham long. A carry-on bag seemed suffice. The key the receptionist handed me appeared vintage to me, but the room appeared to be anything but. It was stunning, complete with a plasma television and queen sized bed. There was a desk in the corner and a huge window next to it. I was baffled. The bathroom was a decent size, and the shower-heads seemed to be jet soakers. It made me look forward to my nighttime shower. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do. I had no way to contact Mr. Wayne. But the man who had called...I think he said his name was Alfred...mentioned they would be notified. I figured I could just wait.
     I switched on the television for background noise and began digging through my bag for a small, black, plastic case. In it was an earpiece. It was both tiny and discreet. Lex mentioned that it would work as a telephone, almost. I'd be able to communicate with him if anything were to happen to me. Though, I couldn't imagine me needing it. I pressed my finger to it.

"Mira, my darling! Nice to hear from you! How is it? How is the place? Tell me!"

He responded immediately, and his voice rung through my ears and rattled within my head. It kind startled me. I walked over to the window and watched as the lights lighting up Gotham twinkled against the night skies.

"It's sort of really nice, you know?"
"Ah, you sound mystified. What are you looking at?"
"There's a lot of lights here."
"There are in many cities dear. I take it you have a lovely view? Wonderful, wonderful, as you deserve nothing less! I must say, now that you mention it, there is a lovely view from here. You can't see where I am, silly me, upon the top of the LexCorp building. It makes you seem rather close, but indeed far at the moment."

The phone rang.

"Lex I have to--"
"Go ahead darling." 

There was a disconnect. I took the little piece from my ear and nicely set it on top of the black plastic box I had taken it from.

"Hello? Dr. Morix?"
"Nice to hear you made it to Gotham safely." The voice was rather husky, and nothing like Alfred's. "Hopefully Lex isn't missing you too much already." He chuckled.
"Safely, sure, but not without some nausea...missing me?"
"Helicopter ride?"
"Yeah, yeah the helicopter ride."
"Tomorrow morning, I'll have a small limousine waiting for you outside. Around 9am. The driver, a family friend of mine, will have your name on a card."
"Right out front the hotel?"
"Right outside the hotel. I wouldn't have you walk the city streets alone. You'd get lost here."
"I have no doubt of that."
"Have a nice evening."
"Uh, yeah, yeah you too."

     I have to be honest. It's kind of disconcerting to be receiving such cryptic phone calls. It makes me miss the sound of my brother's voice. Looking out the window, I decided an evening walk around the hotel couldn't do too much harm. I slid my arms through my jacket, but left it open. I don't like zipping my jacket unless it's absolutely necessary due to temperature based reasons. It just feels restricting. The crisped air hit my face and instantly reminded me of standing aboard the river with Lex. It was the kind of chill that felt like it could be raining; it felt damp. I circled the hotel, looking in every direction. I noticed people here didn't appear to be as frantic as those in Metropolis. No one seemed to be in any distinct rush to get to wherever they were headed. No one said hello to me though. No one really looked at me either.
     I stopped in the store I found to be closest for a snack or two. I'll admit it. I eat a lot more when I'm away from home. I don't know why. It even happens when I go on vacation. I always want to be munching on something. To be honest, I don't even know how long I'll be awake tonight. So a box of something could do me well. Any later and I won't feel safe walking the streets alone. Won't feel safe? That seemed bizarre. Surely Batman, erm Mr. Wayne, would appear and save the day, right? No, I wouldn't know that. I don't know that Batman here works in the similar way Superman would back home. Besides, Lois was always getting herself in to trouble. He had to be ready to save his damsel in distress.
    Does Batman have a damsel in distress? Does he have a woman? I'm not sure. He could. He could have a whole family. Or he could have absolutely no one and be a very brooding man who's intolerant of crime in this city. I wondered briefly if I were in Metropolis, and found myself kidnapped, would Clark still come for me? Of course, he's Superman! Or...would Lex be all over that? I mean, to say he'd abolish those who dared looked at me a certain way, I'd think maybe he'd be protective of me as his partner. But did he care like Clark does Lois? No, probably not. I'm just the woman with the capabilities to help solve his epidemic. We each had something the other needed to complete personal objectives.
     Unlocking my room's door, I wanted to simply put the television on. I wanted to stop thinking about just about everything I could for a little. I didn't want to work myself up over anything and I certainly didn't want to give my brain an opportunity to begin getting nervous about why I've been summoned here in the first place. After I put my jacket away, I laid on the bed opposite the television. I turned it on, and without a flicker, the plasma screen lit up. It wasn't long before I noticed a folded up piece of paper beside me on my night stand. Laying underneath it was a playing card; it was a Joker. I unfolded the paper and began reading it anxiously.

Dear Miss. Morix,
     So nice to meet you. Hah, not really this is nothing more than ink on paper. Nonetheless I'm reaching out for a reason. I, like everyone else it seems, would like to meet with you! It's come to my attention that we share a similar epitome of enragement over toxic misfortunes. You see, I've been altered in many ways; many many ways after being carelessly tossed in to toxic wastes. Actually, all from my hair to my thinking capacity. Don't feel alarmed in meeting me. Though you'll see a friend of mine first I assure you. She's just as kooky as I am though. Beautiful indeed, but off her rocker much like myself. Surely you know what that's like, don't you? To spend so much time with a man you start reflecting him, and him you?
     Ah, if you don't know now you will soon. Lex isn't the only one seemingly invested in your ever growing relationship. Or are you calling it a partnership still? Bah! Doesn't matter. Let me just get to the point. We share a similar motive. Toxification or detoxification, whatever. Chemically imbalances stemming avengement that's what we manage. I want to help you. In return, of course, you'd have to help me. How can I help? By lending you my beloved, of course. She'll spill tomorrow, after your meeting with the man responsible for the green on my head. At least it isn't gray, right? Heh-heh. You'll like her, really. You'll find her plenty relatable.

Ta-Da for Now!

    I wanted to phone Lex and ask him who this was. What he meant. How he knew of me. How he knew of what I had spoken to Lex about. But I didn't. I wasn't surprised at all. This seemed routine. I seemed to have ben thrown in a mix of weary arrangements. Instead I stared at the note, reading it over and over again. I didn't realize I'd be meeting so many people through enrollment in LexCorp. The reminiscence of standing aboard the ship was crawling back to me. In that instance, that very instance, I realized, even mentally noted, I felt safer with Lex around regardless of what we were supposed to be as a duo.

Miss. MorixWhere stories live. Discover now