Author's Notes

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     What do people even write in their designated 'Author's Notes'? Like, I never got far enough to have a part dictated for 'Author's Notes'? I never really thought I'd get this far in anything writing wise, to be completely fair. I mean, I have so many short stories stored, but not sorted in any way whatsoever, on my computer, but I'm never consistently working at a story. It always goes unfinished. I guess there's a first for everything. Okay, Here Goes. Ahem!

      Welp, ladies and gents, fans and misfits, 'Miss Morix' has reached its end. I thought a natural ending for this particular fan-fiction would be Lex landing himself in jail. *cough* like the movie, you know? Anyway, I want to thank all of you for reading it, and honestly, being so evidently involved. All your comments truly are appreciated.  I want to also run something by you. How would you feel about maybe, possibly, reading a sequel. I think I have an idea for one? I can smell it, almost smell the plot. No, no that's just some homemade cookies being made downstairs. Maybe.

     BUT...If I were to continue with 'The Adventures of Miss Mira Morix', I thought it could take place in Gotham. And, well, she'd have to figure out what she's going to do there. And well, yeah you guessed it, Lex needs to be broken out of jail...if there were to be a sequel. Though, I think we all know that Mira has acquainted herself with a particular criminal's lady? I mean, just a thought to how we could, or I could, get this poor man out of jail. There's a whole montage if villains she could meet with once she knows who to talk to. What do you think? 

     Thank you again! Really, you are all such lovely people. I mean it. You probably can't hear the sincerity in my voice. As a matter of fact, I know you can't, you're reading. Duh. But. Thank you. Making me feel like I'm writing something worth reading for once and whatnot. Pfft, you guys! Shucks. You guys can;t see the goofy little grin either. Once again, because you are reading. Alright Alright. Let me stop. I don't know about 'Author's Notes' but I feel like they shouldn't be this long. So, I'm going to go. Press publish first of course. Feel free to inbox me whenever! No need to be such shy little buggers. 

You all have a good day, or night, or evening, or afternoon (depending on your timezone clearly). (:

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