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"Books are knowledge and knowledge is power, and I am... no. Um, no." Lex shook his head, and then continued. "What am I? What was I saying? The bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge with no power because... because that is PARADOXICAL and, um... heh-heh...thank you for coming." He handed his microphone to the woman standing by him on the miniature stage and he stepped off.

     I watched for a bit as he socialized. I didn't know anyone here. No, no let me rephrase that. I knew one person, Clark, but I wasn't sure where he was at the moment. I almost wished I hadn't come. I'm not a people person; I'm not much of a party person either. A waiter stopped in front of me, holding a tray of champagne.

"Would you like one Miss?" I thought about it, sighed heavily, and nodded. Why not?
"Thank you." He just nodded and trailed of after I took one.

     With every sip, I tried to focus on the flavor, the taste, the carbonated sizzling on my tongue. It kept me present and from feeling too lost in a sea of rich people I had no knowledge of. Everyone was dressed so elegantly and they seem to fit in with their surroundings flawlessly. My eyes scanned the room, the walls, and the high ceilings in Lex's mansion. It seemed too extravagant for a woman of my standings. I wondered what they were all whispering about, what the woman across the room was chuckling at. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning, Lex greeted me with a wide-eyed grin.

"You made it Miss Mira! Ah, yes...yes good. You look..." He paused, cocking his head. I couldn't tell if it were a natural conversation pause for him, or if he were looking for words. My cheek burned. "Well, heh. You look... devilishly eye catching darling." He nodded as my cheeks stayed tinted. "Come with me. I think you should mingle. I have someone for you to meet! I promised, sort of, that you would meet him." He rested his hand on the back of my shoulders as he guided me through clicks of people.

     We walked, we swerved, but his hand did not leave the back of my shoulders. It felt as if though his fingertips were burning through the materials of my dress. I noticed Clark in a short distance. He was talking to a man slightly taller than him, but just as built. He seemed to be giving the same stern look I know too well. I wondered why, then realized I'd never know, as Lex was about to interrupt their conversation. I managed to just catch the man opposite of Clark's last string of words. Maybe it's the Gotham City in me... we just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns. Gotham? I pondered it, trying to remember the name Lex gave me the other night, but Lex spoke too quickly for my mind to consider it intensely.

"Boys! Mm, Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ah, I love it! I love bringing people together! How are we?" Bruce Wayne, right,that was his name. "Hi, hello." Lex shook Bruce's hand and then Clark's. "Lex. It is a pleasure...Ow!" His hand retracted fast and he shook it a bit. I couldn't help but smile. "Wow, that is a good grip! You should not pick a fight with this person!" He told Bruce, referring to Clark.

     Both men looked at him and then me. Clark studied me, eyeing me up and down once. It would have made me feel uncomfortable were we the only two in the room. I held out my unoccupied hand to Bruce as Lex introduced me by my professional title.

"Nice to meet you Dr. Morix." His voice seemed deeper than Clark's and rather rough.
"Mira, call me Mira."

     I sipped on my champagne as Lex conversed with the two of them for a minute or so. The short haired woman appeared. I really ought to learn her name. I turned to speak with her casually, but she walked away with Lex to, I assume, talk to the wealthy people who, Lex says, think they're more relevant than their surrounding crowds.

"Why are you here?" Clark asked me bluntly. My eyes narrowed penetratingly as I looked up at him. Mr. Wayne, Bruce, whichever I'm supposed to call him, stared intently, observing the social cues shared between Clark and I.
"Me? I'm here because I work for LexCorp Clark. You know this."
"So then why aren't you talking to anyone? Perhaps you should make some friends. Or be out with Lois. You know she's worried about you. You haven't returned her phone calls."
"Maybe if she'd ask for something other than the lab results, I would."
"She's your best friend, don't give me that. Go socialize. Mr. Wayne and I need to discuss something. We can speak about this later."

He turned to Mr. Wayne, but I felt subtly enraged at how dismissive he was. I felt attacked although he meant no harm by what he said. He never does...or so I'm told.

"You want me to make some friends? As if you know the first thing about keeping a friend." I scoffed. He slowly turned to me, his lips pressed together.
"We're not going to have this discu—"
"I bet he'd be plenty helpful now. You could use his help in that trial. Too bad he's locked up, isn't it?" I was whispering, sure, but enunciating.
"Mira, you know for a fact there was nothing I could do to—"
"That's bullshit, and you know it. You didn't even show for his...oh, yeah, right. He didn't have a trial. You had him put away without a second thought. You influence them all don't you?"
"He was a danger to those around him Mira. He needed to be locked up."
"No. No he needed to be put through rehab. He doesn't deserve to be locked away. It isn't helping. It's made it worse, and not a thing has been done to those like him. It's made his condition worse. You know it."
"Don't think I've never felt guilty."
"Guilty? That's real rich Clark. You have the power over this city to change their minds about anything and every--"
"That's enough." I turned to Mr. Wayne.
"Nice meeting you Mr. Wayne. If you would excuse me, I have to get going." He nodded.

     As I walked away from the two I heard the rumbling of Mr. Wayne's voice as he began conversing with Clark once more. And you say I'm the one who thinks they're above the law?

Miss. MorixWhere stories live. Discover now