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     I was surprised; the fumes weren't undeniably strong here in his lab. I figured it might be, particular since I believe we are in a basement. Either way, I was completely captivated by the technology surrounding me, the individualistic complexity of his laboratory. Lex wasted no time; he nearly speed-walked around tables. 

"Mira, Mira come here please? I want to show you something. Oh, but grab the red folder over there first. It has all the information you'll need." I did as I was told, and came to a stop when I saw the encased and glowing rock in front of him. "Now Mira, I want you to sign something before we begin." 

     I must have looked confused, because I certainly was. I had done paperwork in the lobby after our interview. It felt like a doctor's appointment. 

"It's a confidentiality oath. You know what that is right? Of course you do. Why do I continue to consistently ask you questions with obvious answers?" He shook his head with a small smirk.
"Mr Lu—Lex, I had signed one of those already."
"No no, I know. This one is more specific. I had this little contract...agreement...printed last night when I decided I'd like to recruit you in working with me on a very...special...project. Are you alright with that? I hope you don't mind."  I thought about it, pondering why he thought I would mind. Was he unaware of just how thrilled I was to be standing here?
"Of course, of course, not a problem!" I tried to cover the confusion with enthusiasm.
"Great! Really, that's great! Okay, here. I need you to read this, sign here. And here. Initial here, and then sign again here." I looked it over; it wasn't all that different than the one I had singed upstairs regarding confidentiality. The only slight difference was the mentioning of this particular project, with Lex. I signed, initialed, signed and signed again everywhere there was a pen mark.  "Wonderful, thank you. Now...I want you to look this over. I didn't name this project yet, I didn't, I know. I just know it as the one in the red folder. It's my star project really. No one else has been looking in to it with me. Honest. You're the first one Miss. Mira!"

     He grinned wide. Something about it seemed like I should be anxious, but I wasn't. I was more so eager and my heart raced as I opened the folder. I read it, and reread, and looked over graphs, and analyzations. Some coding I didn't quite grasp because there was no key to tell me what variables stood for what. I suppose that was all information stored in that brain of his.

"So, this...mineral? You're trying to modify it to take altered forms?"
"That's right...yes. Come here." He hurriedly walked over to another encasement. It was what seemed to be a smaller sample. There were gloves penetrating the glass cube encasing it to allow access to inspection without actually laying a print on it. "This right here could be plenty to create a...temporary fix...to some recurring dangers in society."

     I looked at it, pondering. He stuck his hands in the gloves, and picked it up, spinning the sample. I looked over the paperwork still in my hand. It seemed like a project that he's been dedicated to for some time now. There was mention of the retrieval of this green glowing rock, with a boat by the name of the 'White Portuguese'. It was described as 'Kryptonite', responsible for changing the cellular composition of 'Kryptonians' in a way that weakened them. I looked back at him, who set the sample down, grinning.

"Is it safe?" I asked almost inaudibly.
"Safe? Miss. Mira. It's meant to regulate the possibilities of overpowering and unexplained supremacy of those who are not from this planet in the favor of the human race."
"The son of Krypton." He corrected me quickly.

There was a trivial moment of silence as my eyes gazed the radiant shard.
"Superman? You're referring to Superman? Superman is a good guy though, is he not?"
"Ah, Miss. Mira pause just for a moment. Consider the possibilities that linger beyond our comprehension. One psychological shift...perhaps one catastrophic event...and Superman goes rogue. Who's saving us from the God in which we've so blatantly allowed to mold the minds in which we live with to believe what is done isn't hazardous, or reprehensible!"

     I contemplated the words as they strung from his mouth. He folded his arms on top of the glass encasement, distinctively resting his chin on his forearms. His lips pressed together, and his eyes widened. 

"And so what is the technical purpose in having it in varying, and alternating, forms?"
"Mm! I'm so glad you asked." He wagged a finger to me, pacing a bit. "It's to assure confidence in our abilities to protect! Think of it this way...we must have a...um...a plan...a subset guideline of how to manage whatever is thrown at us! If there were a war we'd have the military and all of the top notch weaponry...tanks...guns...nukes, you name it... kept secret to ensure we are the prevailing. If it were a war against Superman...we'd have...what exactly?"

    I opened my mouth to speak...then realized I didn't have an answer to give. Not one that was logical enough to clarify without giving him the clichéd ramble in which I try to convince him Superman is too genuine and empathetic for violence towards civilians. Our eyes locked, and the seconds seemed to slow. He didn't break the stare. The tips of his mouth curled slightly as he leaned in closer to me.

"You don't need to forge a silver bullet. But if you do, you don't need to depend on the kindness of monsters." He whispered so closely I could feel his breath on my lips.

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