Chapter ~1~

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I awoke to the sound of a thousand raindrops pummel the roof top of my two story home in Niagara Falls Ontario. I rolled to my left side and peered around the corner of my bed. It was 5:15am. Shit. I flopped over to my right side and tried to fall a sleep again, no success. It keeps haunting me, in my dreams, in my thoughts, even in my present day life.

            My best friend had been killed. Killed by heartless, souless mortal humans. Just the sound of that name sent shivers up my spine as rage built up inside my tiny body. I slammed my fist against the warm bedding. I remembered her smile, her pretty face, the sound of her laughter. I let a stream of hot tears run down my face and soak into the bedding material.

            I let out a coughing scream of agony. She’s dead and it’s all their faults! No, it was her own stupid fault! I tried to convince her mortals wouldn’t understand but she was too foolish to listen! Stupid Shelby, stupid little girl! More hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

            What was I saying? It wasn’t her fault. Those stupid mortals were the ones who killed her! Those bastards, those evil, horrible people! How could they! All Shelby wanted was to be accepted, to feel normal.

            She wanted to prove that supernaturals and humans could get along, we could all live in harmony; however the humans had other plans. They killed an innocent peacekeeper, one of the last of her kind. Now theres only me left, and I don’t feel too easy on keeping peace. I could feel the rage building up in me, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run to the demon lord Balhim and tell him to take over the land the defenseless mortals had left. I wanted dad to do that, yes. But I wouldn’t. Shelby wouldn’t have wanted that.

            She worked so hard to convince the supernaturals we can debate with the mortals, and hopefully be able to live in harmony. That’s how she always thought, peaceful and with happiness. She had that smile that could melt you from the inside out. However I watched her be hung, I watched her perfect smile turn into nothing but regret. I watched it turn into anger, fear, but mostly sorrow. She knew it had come; now that the mortals were going to kill her, the revolution would begin.

            I wasn’t exactly sure how I would convince my lord to stop this nonsense. Even my own race had divided into two different breeds over differences in the way we practice the magical arts. I bit my lip. Am I going crazy? I’m not really going to do this? Oh great voices, just what I needed.

 I shook my head and pushed by self up and off my bed. The cold hardwood floors sent shivers up my spine as I quickly slipped on my fuzzy blue slippers I bought the other day at Wal-Mart. I dragged myself over to the washroom and cleaned my face of sticky hot tears. Damn. Don’t we look attractive today? My face was almost pure white, and my dark blue eyes stuck out.

 I must have fallen asleep without taking my make-up off because mascara stains covered the lower part of my eyes giving me a gothic look in which I hated. Washing my face wasn’t enough to wash away the excess mascara so I took out a cloth and scrubbed it clean. “Better” I huffed. Not really though, now the area’s that once was smothered in mascara stains are beat red. I let out a sigh in frustration. When did I let myself go?

Oh right, the day Shelby died. I gave up and started heading downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to grab my morning coffee. Yeah, that’s right I have an automatic coffee maker, be jealous. I yanked a plane white mug from the upper cupboard and placed it under the machine. A few minutes passed and my coffee was ready.

 I headed over to my office and logged on to my work computer. It started up with a ‘welcome to windows 7’ and a ‘please enter password’. I entered my pass code and hit enter, my work screen popped up. I scrolled over to my inbox as it said I had ‘15 new messages’.  I briefly read over my e-mail files, most on the announcement of Shelby’s death and how this was going to ‘change things’. I rolled my eyes.

 Finally at the bottom of the pile was an e-mail that made me smile. I clicked the file and it read:

“Dear Chloe,

Sorry I haven’t had time to write to you in a while. Working in the office isn’t as easy as I thought. HaHa. I’ve actually quite recently heard Shelby died. I’m so very sorry, not just for you but for the fact you know how much this is going to change Lord Balhim’s perspective on humans. I just hope you can change that, well I guess it wouldn’t really matter. I mean, not for me or you. Just the humans and the natural balance in general. Bet you’ve been getting a lot of that spam lately, am I right? Well I got to go.

Write back soon,


            I let out a low chuckle and took a sip of my coffee. The hot liquid stung as it went down my throat but it felt so good. I placed the coffee down and began to type:

“Glad to hear you miss me too. Yeah, I know. I have no idea how I’m going to do this though, no super natural is going to agree with me after what they did to a supernatural. Anyway, tell me how are you doing? I know it’s definitely been a while and I’m sorry it took me so long to reply. I guess after Shelby died a part of me died with her. Anyway I’m back bitch and nobody is stopping me this time.”

I took another sip from my coffee and pressed the send button. I closed my emails and returned to my home screen where it was a picture of Shelby and myself getting our party on. The picture brought back so many memories, and it brought back so much pain. I tried to fight the tears, but lost in the battle. Fresh hot tears rolled down my eyes and onto the table only inches away from my laptop. After a minute or two I had a sudden rush of anger, hatred filled my body as it finally dawned on me.

 I knew what I had to do. It’s what Shelby would have wanted. I’m going to stop the revolution and return order to the two worlds. I wasn’t sure how, but I was going to. Yeah, that’s right bitch. The witch is back.


I'm going to stop you right there xD

Just a few authors notes!

A BIG thanks to Amellie for the amazing cover page!!!

This is my second writen work on wattpad, but however it is my first story! Woot!

If your wondering Chloe, is a white witch. The type of witch who believes in white magick and not practising black magick. <3

Alright! Thanks for reading! Bye!

xxx Christina xxx

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