Chapter ~11~

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New Chapter! Yaay, i found time to squeeze it in this weekend but i won't be able to upload again until after exams. So in like... two weeks? I hope you understand, and once again i can't thank you all enough for reading my story! It means the world to me : )

Picture of David (Ian SomerHalder) to the right --------------------------------------------------------->>

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            I slowly paced back and forwards in the center of the darkened room. The Aura changed from good to bad in a moment of seconds. This can’t be happening. I glanced out the only window, out into the dark red sky, signifying its dusk. I crossed my arms as I spun around to face everyone in the room, biting my lip in frustration. I still have no clue what to do, or what to say for that matter. Shelby sat quietly in the corner of the room, eyes still filled with horror. She looked like a plastic Barbie doll, frozen in place, frozen in time. I watched as Xavier and David exchanged meaningful looks at each other, waiting for someone to say something. I lifted my arms up in enthusiasm as I let out a frustrating sigh before slamming my arms by my sides. Everyone waited for me to begin, eyes shifting to where I stood.

            “I give” I huffed.

David glanced at Xavier with a puzzling look before returning to meet my eyes. “Give up what?”

“Everything” I replied sharply. David began to open his mouth before I cut him off, not caring. “I have no clue how to fix this. Cassandra could be already dead for all we know! I can’t do this anymore! It’s just not fair!” I cried letting my tears stream down my face. David cautiously walked over to me, and sat at my side. I watched as Shelby flew across the room, her ghostly eyes filled with sympathy. Xavier stood where he was. I could feel David wrap himself around me, engulfing me in the comforting smell of axe. He reassuringly whispered in my ear, “Its okay, we know that you’re having a rough time. We all are, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up”

I let a few more hot tears roll down my cheeks.

“He’s right, Chloe you’ve made it all this way. I didn’t realize how difficult this was going to be for all of us when I let myself die. I’m sorry that I left you with the fate of the worlds in your hands, I never would have thought it would have broken you” Shelby added.

            “I know Shell, but it’s just not fair. Even with everything I got, everything I have, it’s not as easy as I planned either. I already lost you once; I don’t want to loose Cassandra too”

I must have said something that punched her in the gut because the look in her eyes told me nothing other.

“I know Chloe, I know” she whispered quietly as she let her head fall. David’s voice caught my attention as my head spun away from Shelby to meet his eyes. “Chloe, you’re a magnificent girl, with extraordinary capabilities. Don’t let this one thing get you down” He began as he wiped away my tears with his hand. “There’s a whole world waiting for you, in fact make that two” he said trying to lighten the mood. I cracked a small smile. “They need you, more than ever. Don’t let them down” I let his words sink in, making me tear up even more. Xavier suddenly strode from the darkness that hid his body. “Chloe, if Cassandra was to die in the hands of the humans, I’m pretty sure she would have wanted to go out knowing that she did it in order to help save the world. Don’t let her down” I nodded, letting more tears run down my face. I never knew they cared that much about me. I just can’t let them down, not like this.

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