Chapter ~21~

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WOOAAH! We reached 4,000 reads! Hurray! Thank you all for reading/voting/commenting. It really deos mean a lot to me. I know i say this a lot but, i can't stress it enough.

I told you I'd get on an upload >:D ****It's 10:45pm here**** Oh I lied, this chapters probably six or seven pages long again. Ha-ha, sorry :P

I might not sleep very well tonight,  but its worth it for you guys! xoxoxox



            I bit at my stubby nails with my teeth, pulling and biting them to the quick. Why does she hate me? I have done nothing to her! I tried reassuring myself; however the pep talk didn’t cure the butterflies in my stomach. I can’t re-call the last time I had ever done something to hurt Cassandra enough she would ignore me, I mean, we even ran all this way to save her! A little sinister voice sung in my head; you let her get captured, you idiot! She never favored you as a friend, she was only in it because Shelby was dead and she liked Shelby.

            A slight shiver ran up and down my spine at the thought of Cassandra hating on me. It couldn’t be true. I lifted my gaze to meet the back of Cassandra’s head. Her black, sleek hair still bobbed with perfection as she led us through the halls. Her fair skin, had began to fade in colour, for the amount of days she had been hidden away from the world.

            She walked stealth fully, and proudly, keeping all her comments and thoughts to herself. I swallowed hard, as realization kicked in. The position we are in is deathly, I just took full trust on a doctor, who was ordered to rip Cassandra to shreds. No wonder she thinks I’m stupid. I shook my head violently. Snap out of it Chloe! She doesn’t think you’re stupid!

            A part of me wanted to believe the lies I was feeding myself, but her attitude and emotional energy towards me told me otherwise. I turned my attention to Shelby, who had noticed my mindless staring. She smiled politely, before returning to her daydreamed state as her head hung low and an opaque look blurred her eyes. Her blonde curls cuffed her face, drowning herself in her head of hair, but she didn’t respond.

            I dragged my eyes across the tiled floor until I reached the bottom of a pair of male shoes. I traced my eyes up Easton’s physically fit body, partly enjoying the view. I would have tried to avoid such a thing, but my mind was elsewhere. His eyes drilled into the back of Cassandra’s head, as I could tell he was knifing her with daggers in the back of her skull. I guess that makes two of us who seem to be taking Cassandra’s attitude a little too roughly.

            Even though Easton has never really met Cassandra personally, he seems to act as if he was offended by her aggressive attitude towards me. I bit my lip, as I tried to imagine Easton raging out on Cassandra for being so cruel. A wicked grin crept upon my face at the thought, as I caught Shelby glancing curiously at my facial expression.

            We came upon the hall that led to room one-thirteen I counted down the numbers of doors as we went along. One hundred and twenty, one hundred and eighteen, one hundred and sixteen… The doors were numbered in a series of even numbers. Each time we arrived at a lower number, my stomach did flips. A hurling sensation took over my senses, as we arrived to room one fourteen. Breath; I tried medicating myself.

            I could feel my heart begin racing, as Cassandra crossed the hall, reaching room one thirteen. She turned back to the group, and shot daggers towards me with her milk chocolate brown eyes. My lips pressed together, in which a slight snarling sound escaped. She let her eyes open wide, before returning to normal size. She jolted her head to one side as she opened her mouth, as if to say something, but shut it.

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