Chapter ~22~

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            Cool water dripped repeatedly onto my warm skin and into my open wounds, causing me to hiss in pain. However, I couldn’t find the strength to move. My body ached, feeling as if it had been set on fire. A pounding rang in my head, as my muscles refused to relax, causing sharp pains to move through my body. My heart was speeding, slowing down with each breath of cool musty air.

            I fought to open my eyes, succeeding after the third try. My vision was blurry, much as it was before I passed out. I blinked a few times, stressing my eyes into focus. A grey, rock patterned blob came into my hazy view. I forced my eyes to flutter, every blink my vision became clearer. Finally, my vision steadied and a grey and white rock wall came into my view.

            Where am I? I questioned myself. I was lying on a damp concrete floor, splattered with droplets of blood. Is this my own blood? I tried to lift my head, but dropped it after the feeling of severe pressure on my neck. I tried to speak, but the pain in my chest made nothing more then a grunting noise. What happened?

 Faint memories of the past night fluttered back into my head; the doctor, the door, Cassandra, the gun shot, and a kiss. I licked my lips at the presence of a dry, salty substance sticking to them. I felt for my teeth; all accountable for. I let out a raspy breath of relief. I tried to speak again, trying to see if I could catch the attention of somebody.

 A deep grunting noise came from my throat as I let the air slip through my gritted teeth. A sharp pain erupted from the left side of my chest. I twisted onto my back, twitching violently as I could feel foam begin to build in my mouth. I suddenly couldn’t breath, and all the pain seemed to come from my one side. My gritted teeth could no longer contain my urge to scream, as they slid open allowing a long screech break from my body.

My muscles relaxed, as the throbbing still stabbed the left side of my chest. Causing me to breathe heavily, as my heart rate increased drastically. I couldn’t find the energy to fight it. I twisted my head to the right, ignoring the sharp pains that ran up my neck. I noticed a flame scarred steel door, its sliver of glass paneling shattered into a thousand tiny shards scattered among the floor, leaving the hole bare with razor sharp glass edges.

A dark figure crossed the open window panel, allowing a brief view of his dark leather jacket that hung open revealing a plain white t-shirt that covered his chest. He stopped at the foot of the door, putting his hands behind his back. Thoughts ran through my head, as the pain suddenly started in the left side of my chest. I let out grunts of breath, as my back jerked upwards, causing a howl of pain to shoot out of my mouth.

I hit the cold floor as my muscles relaxed before my back violently jerked upwards towards the ceiling once more. I let out a cry of pain, as I watched the black figure stand patiently at the door, watching my agony. I wanted to go over there and hit him, tell him to help me, but I couldn’t. Foam began spewing out of my mouth, as I watched the figure begin to move, twisting the handle of the door.

I screamed again, as foam began to rush out of my mouth, spewing down the sides of my cheeks and onto the cold concrete floor. A load slamming noise came from the direction of the door. Tears streamed down my eyes as I my body began to spasm, bouncing up and down off the ground violently. Just let it stop, please! I plead. The dark figure approached me, leaning over my body so his eyes met mine.

“Chloe Sanders” His voice was soft and gentle.

I couldn’t reply. A short raspy coughing sound came from my throat as I began chocking on the foam inside my mouth. Hot tears still stained my cheeks, as they mixed with the foaming liquid as they ran down.

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