Chapter ~6~

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I AM SO SORRY YOU GUYS!! I had so much work this last week or two, i had projects, labs, test, you name it; i had it. So once again i'm very sorry! However, i managed it! I finished Chapter 6, and once again, i'm very sorry for missing last weeks upload! :'(

I hope you all enjoy Chapter 6, remember to comment, vote, favorite and fan!

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     I woke up to the sensation of hot air creeping down my neck. I glance down at what appears to be a human arm rapped around my freezing body. Where am I? What time is it? My eyes fluttered open and closed. Fighting to keep them open I tried to recall where I was. It was an old worn out house, the walls were cracked and molding.

     The floor was dark and stained with water that seeped through a crack in the far left of the roof. Broken furniture lay scattered across the room causing it to look smaller, and darker. I redirected my attention to the human body that engulfed mine. I tried to turn my head to peer at who it was; when I turned the person stirred.

“Sorry” the male voice mumbled, it was non- other that David himself.

I became confused.

    Why is David cuddling up to me? It was nice, the warmth of his body kept me warm, and calm. The sound of his breaths corresponded with mine. It was peaceful.

“David” I said, hearing the echo’s of my voice bounce of the bare walls.

“Yes” he muttered.

    “What happened?” I asked, cuddling closer.

“After asking what was step one of Shelby’s plan, she began in detail, you drifted off and then I carried you over to the sofa. You seemed cold, as you were hunched into a ball, so I cuddled with you to provide heat” He sounded like a school teacher giving a lecture.

“Mhmm, okay” I muttered and fell back asleep.

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    I woke up on the same sofa but now the sofa felt cold, as David had left. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, and yet out a big yawn that told everybody I was awake. Light shone through the holes in the windows and door. It must be at least noon. I slowly hoisted myself up and off the sofa. Luckily enough I was still wearing my shoes, which provided some insulation from the cold floors.

     I stumbled into the next room, looking for somebody; anybody.

“Hello?” I echoed.

“In here” I heard a female voice call from the other end of the home, in the opposite direction.

I followed the voice to what use to be the old kitchen, but now it’s just a piece of junk rubble. Cassandra and David had lifted the fallen chairs and table up into a standing position.

    They were sitting down and in the middle of a discussion when I walked in. There heads turned.

“Good morning sleeping beauty” David smirked.

I smiled. “Good-morning hulk”

David’s shirt was covered in dust and dirt; his hair was now in a mess and his face red.

I shuffled over to the table and took a seat.

     The chair collapsed under me and I fell on my butt. I could hear the chuckling of David and Cassandra.

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