Chapter ~4~

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Hey ya'll! A big thanks to anyone who is reading my story! It means so much to me!

THANK YOU ALL and don't forget to...




            It took me a while but I finally managed to pull myself together.

David was sleeping outside of the door. What time was it? How long have I been crying? I decided to let David sleep as I checked out my room. David said she left me all the stuff I’d need to be able to over come the revolution, when she said ‘stuff’ what did she mean?

            I started to scavenge through the room. It was very spectacular actually, something I didn’t notice when I had been sobbing about Shelby. In the middle of the room, drawn in white chalk was a pentagram. Along the left wall was a collection of herbs and incenses I could use in future spells. On the far right corner was a beautiful candle altar; but that’s not what caught my eye. Sitting on top of the altar was Shelby’s ‘Book of Shadows’.

 I wanted to look inside of it, but I had a feeling it was wrong. Then I remembered what David had told me ‘she said everything you’d need to fight the revolution would be in here’. Did Shelby want me to read her book of shadows? There’s only one way to find out. I picked up the book and opened it to the first page. A slip of paper fell out and onto the floor. Out of curiosity I picked up the paper.

The note read:

“Dear Chloe,

I didn’t know how to say this, and I just couldn’t say this to your face so I’m hoping one day David will bring you to the sacred room I prepared for you and you’ll find this. So here goes nothing. Chloe, I know you’ll probably be mad at me for doing this, killing myself. Well technically I won’t kill myself, I have high expectations the humans will once they find out I’m a witch. Yes, I knew this day would come. The revolution would have begun even if the humans don’t kill me.

            Lord Balhim never had a thing for the humans; he always planned to over throw them. The odd of you being able to stop the revolution is highly unlikely, and that’s what you probably thought I left you to do. You’re wrong, I’m smarter than that. I want you to stop lord Balhim before it’s too late. Yes, that’s right you need to over throw him, kill him, do whatever necessary for him to loose his standard to you, and then take control. Having control then and only then you can stop the revolution.

            You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but this is what I have to do. And don’t worry, I’m not leaving you. I’m going to pass onto the next stage of life, a un-harm able one. You know how I’m a physic witch right? Well being the physic I am means being a poltergeist when dead. So even if you can hear me, or see me after I’m gone; I’m there.

            I will always be there; I left you a set on instructions on how to train your physic powers to become stronger as well. In order to contact me after death I need you to call this number ‘905-456-7621’. Her name is Cassandra; she is one of my closet nemocrancer friends. She will also go with you on your mission, she is the only person who can contact me and be able to tell you what I am saying after death. I really do hope you’ll one day understand why I had to leave you. I’m very sorry, but my time is up.

Many Blessings,


            Oh my god, is she crazy? She wants me to kill the demon lord; she wants me to kill my own uncle. Even if I accept this task how the hell am I going to manage killing Balhim? Frustration set it. I need to go to sleep. I grabbed the book and the list of instructions that lay hidden behind it.

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