Chapter ~25~

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“Chloe, get your butt down here! We need help!” Easton yelped from the first floor. Relief flooded my mind, but then panic set in moments later. Is someone hurt? I moved swiftly towards the dresser that held a, most convient

first-aid kit. I wonder if the ghost had left it there for me to use. I grabbed it quickly with my right hand, scooting out off the room.

“Easton?” I called.

“I’m here” he answered breathlessly.

I feel to my knees inches away from the rugged hole in the floor. The sharp splinters of wood jabbed my knees. I got up into a crouching position as I brought my knee close enough so I could see the little slivers of wood. I brushed them off with my hands.

    I got back onto my knees calling into the hole. “What’s the problem?”

“It’s Xavier, his ankle is twisted.”

That’s it? That’s not that bad.

“How bad is it?”

“Pretty bad”

    “How bad is pretty bad?” I asked again, leaning in slightly further.

“Um, his ankle is swelling and its kind of all red” He replied.

A low moaning came from the lower level, as a body had crumpled onto the straw couch.

“Xavier?” I called.

A loud moaning replied, followed by a strained yes. My knees began to hurt from my crouched position so I swiftly swung my legs over the hole, letting my bum make contact with the broken tiled floor.

“I know you’re in pain, but I need you to answer my question” I began licking my lips, “Do you know where David is?”

He let out another grown of pain before responding to my original question. “He’s bringing wood for a fire”

I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Wait, so he knows we’re here?”

The house was silent, followed by a short shuffling sound. “Yeah”


“Good, now help me please?” I hear Xavier beg from the bottom level.

I glanced un-easily through the broken floor-boards wondering if I could make the fall safely. Deciding against it I call over to Easton, to help me down. Slowly Easton appeared into my length of view and began to make his way over to my side.

    “On the count of three, you’re going to jump into my arms” He stated, outstretching his muscular arms, causing the veins in his arms to move to his demand. I swallowed hard. The jump did not look safe either. Easton was just balancing on a pile of rubble that could shift and move at a single step. I felt my palms begin to get sweaty as I became more nervous, and frustrated. His eyes flared a dark hazel as he became annoyed with me. “Come on Chloe, I don’t have all day”

    I could understand why he would be so stressed, especially with Xavier in agonizing pain screaming from the downstairs sofa.

“I know, I’m trying, it just seems too dangerous of a jump. Can’t you move the rubble away or something?” I asked anxiously. Easton rolled his eyes as his lips curled inwards causing a distasteful snorting noise.

“Does it look like I have time for that?” He tapped his right foot viciously onto the broken boards below him.

 His hazel eyes pierced into my soul, as I could feel my heart rate quicken at the thought of jumping down. I tried to stand up, but my muscles refused to move, keeping me locked in my current position, feet dangling over the broken edges. Easton shook his head, disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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