Chapter ~23~

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            The white light began to dim, contracting into a tiny hole that appeared to be miles away. My body felt as if it were being tugged away, dragged by an invisible force that I couldn’t sense. I tried to run, but the invisible force kept pulling me backwards, farther and father away from the light. A faint voice appeared in the sub-conscious of my mind.

“Chloe” it spoke in a hushed tone of voice.

            The farther I was dragged the less cloudy the voice became. The voice was of a female, calling for me. Finally, I was in the dark. The invisible force had stopped yanking at my body and I stood in the dark motionless. The voice had become silent, leaving the darkness voiceless. I collapsed on the ground, sobbing. I couldn’t control my emotions, and the endless stream of tears rushed down my face.

            Why am I sobbing? I feel no pain here. Eventually my body relaxed as the tears washed away into nothingness. My tear stained cheeks were brushed clean by the darkness, erasing all impurities from my skin. I laid there, listening to the darkness. Suddenly, a wall of water appeared in front of me. I stood up, walking towards the strange doorway. A loud booming voice came from the darkness behind me, forcing me into the cool water. “Chloe”

- ~* ^ *~ -

            I awoke to violent shaking. Somebody was sprawled over top of me, screaming my name repeatedly.

“Chloe” they repeated, “Chloe, sweetheart, you have to get up”

I let my eyes flutter for a moment, adjusting to the harsh lighting that shone from the roof. My head was blurry; I couldn’t remember anything from beyond my dreams.

            The person stopped screaming. They quickly got off the bedding, looking me in the eye. It was a female nurse. She was speaking to me, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying through the thoughts running through my own mind. She had a short pixie cut hairstyle that matched her straight brown hair. She wore a white hospital uniform with black sparkling shoes.

            She was smiling at me. Her face seemed so familiar; however I could put my finger on it.

“Chloe, you have to get up” she said softly, frantically glancing at the white curtain that closed us into the small cubical.

“What happened?” I asked groggily.

“You don’t remember?” she asked as she paced over to a white machine with blue buttons. I looked down at my body. I was tucked in a white hospital bed, attached to a few life lines, and bandaged up.

I looked up at the nurse again, who had now shut off the machine.

“No” I answered.

The nurse shook her head in disappointment.

“Unfortunately I don’t have time to explain” she sighed.

She walked back over to my side, her face filled with an unexplained worry. She reached over to my right arm and removed the white piece of tape that held the needle in place. I let out a hiss of pain as she removed the needle from my arm.

“I’m sorry, did that hurt?” She asked.

“Just a bit” I admitted. The nurse offered me a cotton ball, pointing towards my right arm. I glanced downwards and noticed that my arm was bleeding slightly from where the needle was inserted. I took the cotton ball in my fingertips and pressed it firmly on the open wound. I sat upright in the hospital bed, kicking off the layers of white blankets.

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