Chapter ~2~

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            “Hey” yelled David from his 2010 red camero.

“Hey” I huffed jogging over to the car.

“Have you figured out a plan yet?”

“Not likely, trying to convince Balhim that the humans aren’t evil is harder than it looks, I don’t know how Shelby did it”

David laughed. “Well got any ideas?”

“Dude, I’m a 16 year of white witch who just happens to be related to the demon lord, of course I have a fucking idea” I spat jumping into the passenger seat.

I caught the stench of something nasty, smelled of death and decay. “Oh god, what did you do to this car, drive it over a hundred dead bodies?”

David chuckled “No, I ran it over a hundred zombies.”

I rolled my eyes as David started the engine.

“So what’s your idea?” he asked as he pulled of the curb.

“Ideas?” I repeated.

“Yeah, what is it?”

“Well I obviously got to stop the revolution”

“How do you plan to do that?”

“Honestly, I don’t know”

“Okay well then you keep working on that while I run in and grab our coffees.”

We pulled into a local Mc. Donald’s and set it in park.

“What would you like?”

“You’re asking this time? Shocker” I teased.

David rolled his eyes. “I’ll count to three; one, two…”

“I’ll have a medium coffee milk and sugar.”

“Alright, see you in a minute” he replied strolling off into the store.

I let out a long sigh and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. Okay, think.

            What would Shelby have done? Well knowing Shell she would have gone to the mortals, exposed her secret and try to convince them that she isn’t evil. Oh wait, that didn’t work. I tried to think of another idea. What if I found proof that not all mortals are like that? Not all of them are vicious.

 I could do an online questionnaire! Yeah, there’s an idea. If more than 75% comes back positive I’ll take it to Balhim and try to use it as proof.

Idea in head I jotted it down on the piece of paper. It was fall, the season where it’s so beautiful it makes you hate winter. The leaves have just begun to fall, the cool air making them flutter in its grasp.

              Fall was Shelby’s favorite season, she always loved to go on hikes through the woods and take pictures with her professional camera. I never fully understood her passion for such an art, but I guess it’s what brought her closer to that world. It was her reason to protect the planet and the life that filled it. David was still in the store, it must be a long line. Out of despite I opened the car door and took a stepped out. I began walking, just walking away not caring.

            I watched the leaves fall from the trees scattering all around me. The cool air chilled me to the bone. I felt at peace, like there were no problems in the worlds; that everything was in heavenly harmony. It was so nice, so beautiful, and so over.

I heard David calling from the camero, he had returned shortly after I had left. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

            I wheeled around and headed for the camero. I could still hear David, but now I could understand his every word.

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