Chapter ~5~

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It was a 15 minute drive from Cassandra’s house to my old home. And she walked all this way? David pulled into the old worn out driveway. Got to give this house credit, it’s definitely creepy. The once, in perfect condition home is now a total dump. The old shingle roofing is now worn out, and torn apart.

The white panel windows now appear as if they were a skin colour and cracked. Graphite covered the house’s grey paint and quite large holes are broken into the door and windows. Wonder if anybody is actually in there? Well I shouldn’t say anybody, more like anything. Practically anything could be living in that home now, either it be raccoons, cats or even wolfs. The thought sent shivers up my spine; I really didn’t want to go in that house.

            “Nervous?” I heard a male voice ask.

“Huh? Oh no, just…not exited” I stuttered.

“Too many painful memories of the good-old life when Shelby was around?”

“Yeah” I fibbed.

I didn’t even think about that part, but now that I have, it just gives me more of an excuse to not enter that house.

“Come on” I heard David say getting out of the car.

I followed.

When we reached the front door David stopped, sending me off balance.

“What?” I grunted, pulling myself of the concrete.

            “Someone’s in there” he growled.

“No shit, its Cassandra you idiot” I mocked.

“No it’s not. It’s someone else” he spoke carefully. He shifted his weight to his left and took a step backwards.

“Don’t be playing with me now, David” I groaned.

“I’m not, I’m serious” he replied, with a fake look on his face.

“You know, your such a bad liar” I smirked. “I can tell your lying”

“How’d you know?”

I let out a snort of laughter. “Cause you just admitted to it”

“Damn it” he swore.

“Don’t swear now, swearing is for truckers” I teased sticking out my tongue. “So are we going in or just standing here until we get arrested?”

            “I don’t know, it’s up to you” he replied with a cheesy grin.

“I pick go inside and not get arrested” I huffed pushing myself in front of David.

“Do you still have the key?”

“What key?” I asked raising one eye brow.

“The one that will get us into this house genius” he chuckled.

“No, Shelby always had it. When she died, she gave it to Cassandra I’m guessing”

“Smart move” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “I guess were breaking in, watch my back”

David agreed and I heard the shuffling of shoes, meaning his back was turned from me and is now gazing upon the street.

He let out an ‘all clear’ and I pulled out my pocket-knife.

I jammed the knife into the side of the door, creating a small hole.

 I cut all around the door handle, and gave it a quick tug; it popped right out. I grabbed the one side of the door where the handles use to be and swung it open. 

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