Chapter ~20~

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I apologize this is quite the lengthy chapter :P I hope you don't mind, or if you like chapters this long let me know! I'll write shorter next time.



            I stepped out from the forestry undergrowth staring at the rushing lines of guards, all heading in the opposite direction to which I was standing. I looked to my left, and then right, searching for the door Shelby entered through. I spotted her crouching behind a large garbage can, gesticulating towards me. I waved happily and jogged down the hill, back arched so I wouldn’t fall and roll down instead. Trying to not draw attention I darted towards Shelby’s location, as I caught Easton running out from the forest out of the corner of my eyes. I kept on running. My heart began racing. I began breathing heavily as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I heard the alarm go off. Scrap! They fixed it! Easton caught up with me, and we ducked behind the garbage can with Shelby. Shelby darted outwards, searching through the glass door for any signs of people. She gave us a thumbs up and yanked open the door. She gesticulated widely, glancing ever so often in the direction that the guards should be coming from.  

            I ran for the door, bumping Shelby into the open hall. My heart was still pounding from the thrill of danger. Easton followed quickly behind me, shutting the door slow enough I could feel myself begin to shake nervously. I bit my lip and started shuffling in place as I watched Easton raise his hands as if he was caught. I wanted to tell him how I was feeling, I wanted to say: Let’s go; but I couldn’t. The fear of other guards hearing our conversation came to my mind, forcing me to keep my mouth shut. He spun on his heel in pride, as I mouthed the words I had spinning in my head.

            “Let’s go” I managed to whisper quiet enough I could barely hear myself say the words out loud.  

“Where to though?” He replied much louder, causing me to flinch.

Shelby glanced at the door uneasily.

 “Guys” She whispered, finger pointed at the door.

I found my eyes wandering in the direction in which she was pointing. Three female guards where flirting with two male guards a few yards away from the front door. My skin crawled.

            “Let’s move” she stated firmly, more so of an order then a question.

“Where to though?” Easton questioned again.

“Anywhere” Shelby’s voice rang up, high enough it was no longer a whisper. She noticed her own tone and shut her mouth. I held my breath, waiting, listening. I could hear the blood pounding in my ears, but nothing else.

I nodded in agreement to Shelby’s order.

“Now” I added.

            Shelby took the lead. We slid to the left wall, arching our backs close enough that the cold interior walls licked my neck and bare legs, sending shivers through my whole body. The interior designing was destroyed by the scars of a fire. The walls were black, with burnt wood which aloud the steel plating to shine through. All that was left of the walls design was small patches of faded white paint, here and there. The floor was a dark marble, a burned marble actually, patches of golden shone through the burn scars revealing the beautiful true colour. I’m surprised the roof hadn’t collapsed, its wooden top was held up with steel beams about six inches thick each. The plasterboard pieces that incased the roof had burned away leaving only the rusty outlines that held them in place.

Light fixtures dangled from the steel plated walls, held on by newly installed brackets. It seems somebody has been working on the electricity. The hall lay bear, no other decorations lay about, taking me by surprise. Why would they decorate the outside and not the inside?

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