Chapter ~15~

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Hello, I'm so sorry I'm late. Well, the chapter is late. Waay, late. So, what happened is the OSSLT literacy exam that is needed to pass high school, and other math homework, tests, and my religion teacher and his dumb ass assignhments. But, its here. And i promise i'll try to update way more often. I kind of plan on having this done, like story and all by June so I'll be picking up my pace. Remember. VCF. Vote, comment, fan. Thank you all again so very much, i love you all!



            Xavier waved at us from under a very large dragon tree. The leaves were a light shade of red and patterned like scales. That’s how it got its name, because it looked like dragon scales. Even though dragons don’t exist any longer I heard the humans recently discovered the remains of a female dragon and her eggs preserved in ice in a cave somewhere in there world. Now if they could only find a way to bring the eggs and mother back to life we could repopulate the dragon species.

Shelby tugged on my sleeve, pulling me towards the tree.

I cleared my throat.

“Coming” I said softly as she released her grip on my sleeve. We walked up to Xavier who was running his fingers down the triangular shaped tree bark. His face was plastered with a curious, joyful look. I don’t blame him, it must have been forever since he could actually touch and feel something solid.

“Were back” I stated stupidly.

“Obviously” he replied smirking. I had that one coming.

I looked around for the man of mystery who was no where in sight.

“Where’s David?”

“Who cares, he seems to be pissed at you so…” Xavier replied rubbing his fingers together, keeping eye contact at a minimum.

“Xavier!” Shelby screamed, slapping him across the arm.

“It’s true!” He claimed, earning another slap from my best buddy.

 “Well do you know where he is?” I asked crossing my arms.

“Hell no, he took off while I was napping” He answered with a wave of his hand.

“Great” I answered spinning on my heel. I started walking away from the two and headed towards the side walk.

“Where are you going?” I heard Shelby scream from behind me.

“To get changed into this disguise cause were leaving for the human world as soon as possible!” I screamed back at her.

“I’m coming with you!” She screamed chasing after me. I could hear her feet moving along the grass and street. Thump, thump, thump.

            Shelby caught up with me, waving back at Xavier. We walked together silently, dragging our feet along the stone walkway. Bird’s sung from the trees around us, as the humming of hovercrafts raced down the street, their drivers singing to their favorite songs. I looked down at the clothing in my hands, squeezing it hard. The material was soft, like cotton. It smelt of tie-dye and the beads danged freely at the bottom of the shirt. What a retarded look.

            We reached the bathroom which was occupied by a group of sluts who were checking themselves over in the mirrors. Majority of the girls dressed in tight cocktail dresses and high heels that made them appear as if they were hit by a truck and reformed their spines to look as if they were going to fall over. One girl though, didn’t quite fit in. She wore tight fitted yellow Abercrombie and finch t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. She wore cowgirl boots and topped off her look with the classic western hat. She played with her hair, braiding it, as if she were in an uncomfortable position.

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