Chapter ~8~

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 Another chapter! Thanks again to whom read my sotry, it means a lot to me!

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I awoke to the sound of a man calling my name. “Chloe, wake up!”

I let my eyes flutter open, revealing Cassandra and none other than David. Oh good goddess, thank you! We made it. I let hot tears roll down my face covering the already dried trail in a fresh new one.

     I looked around the closed space. A few light fixtures and bare walls, perfect. I let out a low chuckle.

“We made it Cassandra” I laughed silently.

She spoke with no sense of in security. “Yes we did, just in time”

I was lying on the cold concrete floor.

     How long was I out? David had a restful smile, as if a huge burden had been lifted of his shoulders. His lips twitched as he breathed out a sigh of relief. “We still need to be quiet, the guards are in the other room, searching.”

I nodded my head, and tried to lean upright. As I leaned forward a pain shot up my back, causing me to instantly run my hand down my spine.

     I felt a smooth wet substance running down my back. I watched as Cassandra’s eyes filled with disgust. “Chloe, you have a cut on your back, and its bleeding.”

I slowly removed my left hand revealing what appears to be blood. I raised my hand to my face and sucked in a large woof. I let my nose twitch at the sour smell “Yeah, I’m bleeding alright.”

     “We need to get you to the hospital, get you sowed up…” Cassandra began towering above me. David offered me his hand and I took it, hosting myself up of the ground. I dusted myself off and ignorantly defended “No, we can’t if we do the police will show up and trap us there.”

David turned to face Cassandra, scratching his chin. “Chloe’s right, if the police find us, were screwed and so is the rest of this world”

Cassandra raised one eye brow “What about the supernatural race huh? Humans want us dead remember?”

     David took a firm grip on Cassandra’s shoulders and looked deeply into her soul. “The humans want us dead because they are afraid of us. According to there movies, us as supernaturals, have been portrayed with such power and evilness, when we came clean they tried to kill us all.”

Cassandra nodded her head, lowering her defenses. “But what will become of the supernatural world if this revolution pulls through?”

David released his grip on Cassandra and leaned back, turning to me.

      He knows me to well. I stepped forward as Cassandra’s eyes shifted towards me.

“The supernatural race will eventually take over the human race, leaving them to either become slaves of labor or parish in the battle.”

Cassandra let out a low huff. “I know, but what battle Chloe? I never mentioned any battle.”

     David and I stared at Cassandra in disbelief. Is she really that stupid? I began to open my mouth, but David cut me off. “Cassandra, Balhim is the Lord of demons; you think he’ll take over the human race lightly? Or even if he does, do you think the humans will say ‘oh yeah sure, come on in’?”

Cassandra pretended to put a gun to her head, and blow her mind out. “Damn, sometimes I’m a dumb blonde”

      I listened to the shuffling of feet above. They must be leaving. I climbed up onto the shelf’s crack to get a better look. I could see the shuffling of boots leaving the house, a man hollering and then the chief himself enter the home. I watched as a second man appeared from the wreckage carrying some sort of dark blue…wallet? I drastically patted at my pants in search for my wallet of exact same colour.

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