Chapter ~16~

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I'm trying to add more detail to my work. Let me know what you think about it. !!! :)



Violent tremors and shakes woke me from my dream. I let my eyes flutter for a moment since my brain was still processing everything that was going on. My five senses came alive, warning me something was wrong. I hit my head off the dashboard of the purple and black stripped hovercraft.

“Shit” I muttered, pulling my sore forehead into my hands. Using my fingers I slowly rubbed the sore area which decreased the pain but not the vibrations piercing through my skull. I let my hands drop to my sides, gripping the black leather seating as I watched the blue and silver wormhole warping the hovercraft, deforming and reshaping the now molten steel. The vibrations came from the vehicle; all the grinding and reforming caused the atoms to jump, shaking the vehicle and anyone in it.

            Speaking of people in the vehicle… I sharply turned around, gripping onto the head rest of the seat. I could hear the blood pounding in my head, striving to keep my body moving. I breathed heavily. I caught a quick glance of Xavier, or David. The figure was just a blurry blob now. I blinked, trying to regain my focus. It cleared for a distilled moment, letting me identify the human body. As I suspected it was Xavier, passed out in the back of the car with David slumped over on Xavier’s left shoulder. My vision blurred even further more; the sounds of distinct breathing impaired my hearing. I returned slowly to my original position as my eyelids strived to keep open. My mind began to numb. I tried turning to Shelby with all my left over energy, as if I had been drained dry. My vision went in and out as I grabbed onto her limp right hand with my right and I whispered words of warning. “Shelby”, “Shelby”. I couldn’t fight anymore. Exhaustion over took my body, vision blurring until I saw nothing but black.

            “Shelby” I mumbled twitching in my seat. 

Something violently shook me, screaming words that seemed so distant in my ear. I rolled and stirred until the voice became crystal clear. My eyes flung open, body swinging into an upright position. The world seemed hazy, as I reached for my head trying to stop the frantic spinning.

“Are you alright? I’m going to go get help.”

My blurry vision became clearer, just making out a dark figure running into the distance. My heart pounded in my head. Steam and smoke covered my body and view. I couldn’t move. Every muscle in my body burned and stung as I moved short inches. Agonizing pain and adrenalin took over, causing my heart to rapidly increase. Every second, every minute, I could only hear my breathing, short gasping breaths as my lungs screamed for air.

I remember what that familiar voice told me. I’m going to go get help.

I was trapped, trapped in my body, trapped to the pain, trapped in this life.

No, don’t go. Don’t ever let me go, let me die in your arms. It’s all I ever wanted, was to die with you, be with you, since the day I first met you.  

I watched as the distance became blurry again, much as it did in the wormhole.

I tried to speak but the agony drove me insane. I fought with all I had, blood splattered from my mouth every time I opened it. Overcoming my physical weakness I began to speak slowly. “Don’t leave me…don’t leave me…”

What was fuzzy, went black; and what was alive, died.

            I jolted upwards, smashing my head among somebody else’s.

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