Chapter 3

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I run into the class room, a deep shade of red appearing on my cheeks.
Did Joe Founders just notice me? Did he just register that I am a living being?
Omg! I have to tell Annabell! We are gonna get married! And have kids! Oh I can just see it now! Elizabeth
and Patrick! OMFG!
Ok calm down Megan. He just looked at you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Deep breaths,s

"Megan Stop hyperventilating and get out your maths workbook!", growls Mr Mathews, his unibrow looking like a dead skunk.
"Sorry sir!", I squeak, omfg, he is such a drippy prick!
For the rest of the lesson I stare out the window with a dreamy look on my face, Oh, Joe Founders!
Why do you have to be so sexy!

"Pppssss! Megan!", Whispers someone from beside me. I look to my left and see Autumn, another one of my best friends.
"Hey Autumn!", I whisper back," How was your holidays?"
"Oh it was great! I went to Arabella with Daniella and Samara! How was yours?" She asks with fiddling with her short dark hair.
"Not as good as yours! Nice top!," I say to her, looking at her sleeveless T-shirt, written on the back in an emerald green was #loki!.
"Thanks I made it my self! Loki is my favorite Norse god, did you know he is the God of mischief and I trickery?", autumn replys with a overly exited grin.
"Yes! I know, you've only told us about 7 billon times!", I say sarcastisly and roll my eyes at her.
"Hey!", she pouts," he's not that bad!"
I smile and shake my head at her," Im just joking!"

Just then the bell rings, I look at my schedule, computers. Not too bad.
The computers lesson goes by quickly, I do my research, edit my poster for the school dance and play some games when I am finished.
After computers I head to my locker to grab my packed-lunch. I can't stand the cafeteria food.
I slowly walk to the break area and head to our usual spot, under the big tree next to the classrooms.

I sit down at our picnic table and wait for the others. I see that Samara and Daniella are talking as the walk to our table. Annabell rushes up from behind me and grabs the seat next to me while Autumn, samara and Daniella sit opposite us, we chat about our holidays and boring supjects, Annabell and I swap a pronutro bar for a packet if dried fruit, not a good deal but at least I got a pronutro bar.

The bell signals the end of break and we head our separate ways, Samara, Annabell and I all have art next so we head over to our lockers to grab our stuff before going to the classroom.

(This was such a crappy chapter! Soz, I will write better tommorow. All the people mentioned in this chapter you know who you are! :p xxxxxxxxxx)

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