Chapter 8

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I walk to my friends smiling smugly to myself, I really think that I am I love with that boy.
"What are you so happy about?," Daniella asks, crossing her arms over her chest and raising one eyebrow.
"Well.....I think I just saw Joe Founders staring at me and when I looked at home he looked down and blushed! He blushed!", I ramble waving my arms and nearly jumping up and down.
Their jaws all drop.
"What?",Autumn says her hands dropping limply to her sides.
"Did I- Did I just hear you correctly?", Daniella asks, running her freckled hands through her strawberry-bold hair.
Annabell jumps at me and gives me a huge bear hug. "Yay! Yay! Yay!," she shouts then throwing her hands up in the air.
"OMG! Megan?", Samara gapes, "I can't believe it!"
"Guys, calm down, he just was thinking how terrible I looked or something," I mumble, looking at the floor.
"Megan, he clearly likes you!," comments Samara, rolling her eyes at me.
I am about to say something back to her, but sadly the bell rings for the start of English literature.

I walk into the class, onto find Joe with his head in his hands, is he crying?
I rush over a gently place my hand on his shoulder.
He flinches and sniffs, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes.
"Joe? What's wrong?", I ask gently.

"Nothing, why do you ask? I fine. Every things peachy, just peachy.Nothing is wrong with me, nothing at all, just look at the sky, isn't it beautiful?" he rambles on looking nervously at me.

"Joe, that's a lie, you've been crying,you can tell me." I push.

He breaths out slowly, and pushes back his hair in that extremely sexy way.
"My- My father. He is-," he gulps," he-just went in to a coma."

"Joe! Oh my goodness! What happend?," I rush my questions at him," I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want too."

"You know what?", he says standing up," Forget I ever said anything, your propoly just like the rest off them, you don't really care.", he rubs his eyes and brushes himself off.

"Joe! wait! I do care!," I call as he walks out the class room," I know what you've been through," I mumble as I sit down and the rest of the class files in.

Mrs Brenants my english literature teacher, drones on and on like a Brian bead zombie about our new book review assignment. I only start listening when she talk about our partners. I wonder who I will get put with. None of my friends are in this class with me. I sigh noisily as she reads out our names.
" Noleen with Harry, Ollie with Antonia, bla bla bla."
This goes on until, I think the I am the last one, great, I have to write a book report by my self.
"And lastly, Megan with...... Joe, who appears to be absent."
I nearly jump up out of my seat.
" Megan, since Joe is not here today, do you mind starting by your self?"
I nod slowly, still in shock.
"Ok then class, you may bring the book that you choose in the next lesson, but I suggest that you start researching now.

( hey hey hay! ;) hope you liked this one, I wanted to show a more personal side of Joe. Much mush more to come later, pls leave comments and stuff! Xxxxxxxxxxxx)

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