Chapter 24

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"Oh Joe, wait!" I call after him as he starts to walk back to the school building.


"Well um," I scratch the back of my neck," We kinda got partnered with each other in literature and had to do a book review."

A look of disbelief is apparent in his chocolate eyes as he throws up his hands in frustration," Why didn't you tell me! I'm gonna fail English!," he crosses his arms now, smirking,"Well I'm not doing it, so why don't you shove it-"

"Joe!," I slap hard him on his right cheek, I've had enough of his jerk-ey attitude, thank cheese and crackers it's Friday.

His hand goes up to his face as a look of mock horror and shock over come his features,"You hit me," he half whispers.

It's my turn to cross my arms now,"No you dimwit, I slowly caressed your face with my palm."

The sarcasm is real.

"Why- how- why did you do that!" He half shouts, his eyes wide, and his lips slightly parted.
Ahh, his lips, those perfect plump, luscious lips if only I could just lean in and-


My daydream comes cascading down the mountain and into the furnace as Joe waves his longs, muscular arms at me.

I can see his neck muscles tighten as I pull his arms down by his biceps to calm him down. His eyes open wide and his body is rigid.

"Are you done yet?" I ask him raising my eyebrows at him.

"Wha-done With what?" His eyebrows are pushed together in a look of confusion.

"With your temper tantrum!"

"I did not have a temper tantrum! How dare you even-"

But I'm already down the hall and opening the door to the class room.


English goes by swimmingly with Joe still in a huff about our little 'misunderstanding' earlier.

Since he missed the first day when we were assigned our seats, he has to sit in front, right under the teaches nose. So whenever he tries to look back and glare at me, the teacher taps his desk with a ruler, often hitting his hand by mistake.

Poor Joe.

I shake my head and grin at Joe as he does it again and earns a bright red mark on his hand. I look towards Mrs Brenats, her red pen working furiously on our book reports that we handed in at the beginning of the of the lesson.

I pick up my favorite blue ballpoint pen, which, please don't laugh, I've named Pyro, yes ok I know I'm weird! You might be thinking,'Megan! Why did you name a blue pen Fire?'- well I'll tell you.
I was unpacking my bag one day at gym because I couldn't find my pesky water bottle-

"Right!" Once again, I am woken from my day dream as everybody looks up at Mrs Brenats, who now has a stack of papers in her hands.

"Now I will be handing out your book reports, as you all know this mark counts for 15% of the term mark! so I hope you read well,"a sort of hush falls over the class as this is the deciding moment. Mrs Brenats take about four steps to the front of the class," I have to say a few of these reports are outstanding, yet most of them look like they have been written by 15 year olds!" I suck in a breath and bite my lip, Joe looks back at me with a similar expression as she starts handing out.

Fingers crossed as she walks over to my desk,"Now Megan, I am very very pleased with your report, the wording and story line is very mature and clear, you sound like a published author!" She beams at me.

I am flattered that she would think that, I wrote the report when I was 16! I look over the other desks at Joe, his face still wearing the panicked look, I nod my head and smile at him.  The bell rings so I start packing my bag, I reach into an abandoned pocket in the front only to find a Hershey kiss! Just what I wanted.

It looks like this is might be a good Friday after all.


I am so so so sorry, I had massive writers block and just could not write this chapter.
Its about 700 words so just a filler, I will try and write a long one next, but I must warn you, dramas will happen soon!

Luv you,
Izzy xxxxxxxxx

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