Chapter 29

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The noise of the car engine stops, awaking me from my slumber. I open my heavy eyelids only to see darkness.


I wriggle franticly in the car seat. My hands are tangled in my seatbelt, I don't know how that happened so don't ask.

I must have fallen asleep during Joe and I's sort-of-road-trip. I know I am a messy a violent sleeper but I never knew that I could tie my hands together and put a blindfold on. Although I think the latter was done by Joe.

I hear a boyish giggle. "Joe? What are you doing? Joe! Are you there?" I strain my ears. I am met with silence.

"Joe please," I plead to him," have you left? Joe?" I whine.
A click, shuffle and a bang of a car door later, I feel my self being picked up bridal style by someone's strong arms.

I feel his solid chest through his tee shirt. His sculptured body moving against mine as he walks.
His heartbeat slightly fast, mine was frantic. I get lost in the heat of him, the warmth taking over me as I doze off in his arms.

'Megan, wake up! We are nearly there, and please don't fall asleep again."

I slap Joe. Or at least I try. My hand is waving around until I find a solid surface.

"Oww! What was that for!"

"It's serves you right! You know I hate surprises, my back is cramping, You woke me up,I can't see, I don't know how I got my hands tied together on the car. Its getting hot and I'm hungry."

"You nearly your poked my flipping eye out," Joe grumbles.

"Oh, um sorry?" I meekly apologize.

"Why are you so cute?," Joe mutters under his breath before he sets me down on what I think and how is grass. "Ok megs, don't move or take your blind fold off ok? I am going to get food."

Food! Finally!

"Okay, open up."

I take off the blind fold,"Joe it's wond-"
I look at Joe mid sentence. He is look out over the magnificent view. He cocks his head at me and and grins.
With shivers going down my spine as Joe looks at me with those captivating eyes, I grab a sandwich from the basket in front of me and shove it into my salivating mouth.

We are sitting under a humungous oak tree, about 20 meters tall,it must have been over 400 years old. It's beaches stretching out and up. Birds and squirrels hop, scurry and fly through the large branches. All different types of calls emit from within the giant green and brown wonder. All around us is a field, stretching for miles. A little way behind us is the car, I can see where Joe drove through the field from two long lines in the grass. We are sitting on a patch of grass underneath the oak. A rather cliche picnic basket lies before us.

"Hey hey hey, don't eat all the sandwiches megs! This has got to last us all afternoon," Joe laughs at me, his hazel eyes glinting. To think, all of this happened in under a week.

I pout, "can I at least have one more?"
Joe rolls his eyes at me,"Well when I packed it this morning I had twelve sandwiches," I rose my eyebrows at him, thinking, who would eat all of those," I knew you would eat an early all of them Megan."

Oh right, me.

"So anyway you've had about four sandwiches already and I've had two."

The gears shift in my head as I work it out," So I should have six more and we would have none left, right?"

"Correct! Except you can have one more for now."

I scrunch my nose at him and take the sandwich from his hands.

We chat and talk about school for along time, lying down in the grass. It sun shines through the leaves.

Joe's phone makes a ping, he takes it out of his pocket and swears, loudly.

"Hey no swearing."

"You swear all the time."

"No that's not true. I use antonyms and abbreviations for swear words. It's different."

Joe smirks, the message seeming to be forgotten,"Sure, what eve helps you sleep at night."

His phone pings again, an angry look come over his face as he reads it.

"What's wrong? Is someone hurt?"

Joe sighs," No it's just Julia. She wants me to go to a party with her in three hours."

"Oh, so then we need to go, it's takes 2 hours to get back home and you'll need an hour to pick her up and get changed." I admit I am a little hurt that he isn't staying.

"Woah, I never said I was gonna go. She just wants me to go so she can seem more popular. She's going to hook up with someone at the end of the night anyway."

My mouth drops open," She is cheating on you?"

"We were never together, I'm just an accessory to her."

"That's not what she thinks. I heard her in the bathroom taking with her minions."

Joe bursts out laughing, it's a Melodious tune,"I love that, her minions. Look I don't want to stop our- what ever this is- our picnic just for some stuck up girl with daddy's credit card."

I smile shyly,"Don't worry about it Joe, as long as you let me keep the sandwiches."

"You can keep them with pleasure, but won't you at-least come to the party with me."

A party? No, no way am I going to a party. I used to go with Andrew all the time, I hate drunk people, High people, people at party's in General.

"No can do sonny, sorry, I just don't like parties. And plus I'm pretty sure Julia wouldn't like me there.

The truth was that I didn't want to go to the party but I didn't want Joe to leave. At the last party I went to I found Andrew getting very close and personal with a cheerleader in the bathroom.

Joe ran his hand up his face and through his hair," Ok, let's go then."

We pack up, walking slowly back to the car. The drive back was quick, I feel asleep again.

When we get to my front door, I hug Joe and thank him for today. He winks and drives off.

Today was amazing.


Howdy, did ya miss me? School starts tomorrow and I have had six weeks to write this chapter and I did 800 words today. I'll try an update more ok? At least once a month. I'll try.

Thanks for reading, sharing, voting and commenting which you probably haven't done.

Love Izzy

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