Chapter 4

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In art Samara, Annabell and I groan about the new art teacher, she is such a bish!
The bell finally rings and Annbell, Samara and I head to the girls bathroom.

" it's so great that we a free period before second break!", Samara comments, adjusting the braid on her very long light blond hair.
"Mmm hmm,"Annabell mumbles before nearly throwing her phone on the floor.
"OMG OMFG! JAMES. JUST. FLIPPING. ASKED. ME. OUT!!!!!!!!!", she squeals and shouts, doing some kind of happy dance, while Samara and I are filming her reaction and practically rolling in the floor with fits of laughter.
Daniella and Autumn bust through the door and see Annabell do the Macarena. They look at Samara and I with a puzzled yet amused look and we laugh and nod at them before they join in on our little party.
This little show of annabell's stops after a few minutes. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeeze tightly as she gasps for breath. She then sees Autumn and Danella, and that all-to-familiar red lush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Yo-you guys didn't see that did you?", she stutters wrapping her arms around herself in further imbaressment.

"Oh, they did, and so did the whole population of YouTube!," Samara cackles evilly.

"NO! Please! Samara! I'll do anything! Please!," Annabell begged Samara.



"Ok, Annabell, I'll keep that in mind.", calmly spoke Samara.

"Ok, ok but don't post it."

While this was all happening, autumn, Daniela and I are laughing so hard that we have to lean against the wall to stop our selves from falling over.
I look over to Annabell and with a smug grin on my face I say, " well what did I tell you?."

(Hey another short chapter, I promise the next one will be a bit better. xxxxxxxxxx)

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