Chapter 5

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The rest of the school day goes bye fairly quickly, at the end of the day we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.
I head out the school gates to the preschool aftercare to pick up Max. As I walk in, see a sight that makes my heart flutter, and the butterfly's in my stomach go crazy. Do really believe what I am seeing?
Joe Founders holding hand this that most adorable little girl I have ever seen.
I quickly duck my head in imbaressment as Joe walks past me. I walk in to Max's class room still dazed from the sight of that angel. I feel a small tug at my cardigan, I look down and see Max's little face peering up at me.
"Is something Wong, big sis?," he asks with that adorable little lisp.

"No, Maxy. Nothing is wrong. I bend down and tickle his tummy.

He giggles at first then steps back from me folding his arms and pouting.

"Tickles are fors babies only," he wines.

I sigh and shake my head ," ok big boy what ever you say, let's go home."

He obediently follows me as he refuses to hold my hand.
I pick him up and put him in the car seat in the back of my car.
" all set Maxy?," I ask.
"Let's go homes alreadys,"
Well some ones in a bad mood, I think to my self.

When we get home I plop my bag on the counter top and start heading upstairs to my room. As I reach the 6th step I hear a voice, " Now where do you think your going, little Missy?"
I groan and turn to face my mom.
"What now?" I whine dragging my words.
"Well I was going to ask you to help me cook supper, but since you are acting Max's age, you can get mop and clean the floor."
" ok fine, what ever you say your highness," I mutter to myself putting my hands up in defense.
"What was that you said Megan?"my mom asks.
"Oh I said, um, let me get the soap and the bucket out the cupboard," I say brightly," bish." I whisper to my self after my mom has given me a satisfied look.
I walk to the scullery dragging me feet as I do when I am irritated.
"I'm hungrys, an I wanna watch tv," wines max from the coach.
"Well max, if you are such a big boy, then surely you can fetch the chips and the remote," I retoliate sarcastisly.
Max groans and gets off the sofa, for a child at 4 years old he surely has an attitude.

Half an hour later, I the kitchen floor I'd clean and max is down for a nap. I flop down on my purple bean bag in my room and reach for my phone almost as soon as I turn it on I see something that makes my heart stop.

Joe Founders: Hey, got ur number from James, wanna hang out sometime?
I quickly text Annbell about this news, I still can't believe this is happening.
What is its is a prank?
What is it was another Megan?
Stop it brain, stop over reactiting.
It's gonna be fine.
I'll just, um, text him back.
Yea, that's what I'll do.
With shaking hands and hornets in my stomach.
I slowly pluck up my all my curage and say,

In Your Dreams (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن