Chapter 11

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I flopped down on my bed, it has been a long day. I shut my eyes for about 2 minutes, ok I lie. About two hours.
I wake up to the sound of my phone, I look at the screen. Autumn.
I press the green button and hold the phone to my ear.
" hi autumn!"
"Hi I really really really wanted to talk to you about my new book!"
I let her carry on as she takes a huge breath and brace my self for what's coming.

" So I just finished the book I got yesterday, and OH MY GOSH-" she shouts into the phone- "it was amazing! So Mapleshade killed Appledusk, who I think TOTALLY deserved it. I really wish she killed Reedshine though, that she at was nasty. Ugh! And she's bearing kits too, how rude?! I hated her the moment the ginger stepped into the book! And I was so sad when the kits drowned, it was so unfortunate! How could Erin be so cruel?! Three perfect, healthy River-Thunder kits and they just go down the drain! I was so sad I actually cried, Megan.
No joke.
I'm writing my own fanfic now, with Deathfang.
Drawing her too!
Can you ppplllleeeaaasse read it? Please?
It's called Deathfang's fight!
Come on Meg. I know you like reading. I'll update when I can! Please? I'm also starting a new book.
It's called... Hum... Actually I'll get back on you with that.
It's a Norse Mythology book and I heard it had my patron God Loki in it.
I dip dyed that shirt a darker green btw. It looks amazing. I tried to draw a Fenris wolf on it but it failed so yea. Lol! Sorry. Am I wasting your time? I'm a little bored, hahha!"
She stops talking for a minute to catch her breath.


"Did you die?"
I heard Autumn sigh.
"Waffles and unicorns."

" what! Wait! Waffles! Unicorns! Where?" I scream, waking up from my doze.

"Ha ha ha! Megan you really had me fooled that you were bored."

" yeah, totally. I didn't doze off or anything." I say sarcasticly.
" oh Megan," Autunm sighs dramatically." I'll see you. At school tommorow."

"  Bye!"
" see ya!"

( just another filler, but creds to WolfLover1670 for writing most of this chapter for me. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

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