Chapter 10

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I run into a stall and lock the door, why do these things always happen to me?
I am redder than a dying sun. I feel like I need to cry, yet I need to laugh.
I quickly put on my tank top, gym shorts and Nikes, and I tie my hair up in a High pony.
I open the door with confidence and I strut on the field. I hear the boys laughing at me, a light shade of ink slowly stains my cheeks, but I mentally sit on my Holy Disco Throne and shoot all the boys with lasers. (Lol)
I stand in the girls line and poke Annabell on the shoulder," hey, guess what I just did!"
" I dunno"
" I walked into the boys locker room and ran in to Joes Abbs!"
"What? Listen, Megan, about earlier, I'm sorry that I was so protective over you, buts I still don't think that you should be near him. But hey, I don't run your life and you seriously need another boyfriend. No offense but the last one was kinda a douche."
" I know, I am so over Andrew, he is such a douche!", I say laughing.
"Hey you knew that Autumn and Blade have gotten together?"
"What? No, now I'm really Cupid.," I grin at her pretending to shoot an arrow at her, " but really who names their kid Blade?"
" oh that's just his nick name, his real name I think is Logan."
I shake my head laughing as the gym teacher walks up to us.
"Good morning class, I am Mr Sheval, some of you know me, some of you don't. Let's run round the field for a warm up."
Annabell and I look at each at her and at exactly the same time we say," Dam, is he fine."
"Annabell, come let's wipe the drool on your face, your dating James!"
"What? Oh ya, James Sheval, Annbell Shavel, what were you saying?", she mumbles, dreamly struggling to tear her eyes off that hunk.
I chuckle and pull her along with me as we start to jog.

(This was just a filler-in-er, hope you like, any comments welcome!)

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